object frm_data_share: Tfrm_data_share OldCreateOrder = False Left = 487 Top = 8 Height = 798 Width = 1068 object t_sys_company: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_company') Left = 46 end object t_sys_company1: TDataSource DataSet = t_sys_company Left = 46 Top = 48 end object t_sys_employee1: TDataSource DataSet = t_sys_employee Left = 141 Top = 48 end object t_sys_employee: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_employee' 'order by '#29366#24577' desc,'#22995#21517) Left = 141 end object t_sys_bank1: TDataSource DataSet = t_sys_bank Left = 221 Top = 48 end object t_sys_bank: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_sys_bankBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_bank' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 221 end object t_code_currency1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_currency Left = 45 Top = 144 end object t_code_currency: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_currencyBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_currency' 'order by '#24065#21035) Left = 48 Top = 96 end object p_id: TADOStoredProc Connection = frm_main.db ProcedureName = 'p_id;1' Parameters = < item Name = '@RETURN_VALUE' DataType = ftInteger Direction = pdReturnValue Precision = 10 Value = Null end item Name = 'str' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Direction = pdInputOutput Size = 12 Value = Null end> Left = 368 end object t_code_fee1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_fee Left = 141 Top = 144 end object t_code_fee: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_feeBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_fee' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 144 Top = 96 end object t_code_goods1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_goods Left = 221 Top = 144 end object t_code_goods: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_goodsBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_goods' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 224 Top = 96 end object t_code_items1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_items Left = 301 Top = 144 end object t_code_items: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_itemsBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_items' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 304 Top = 96 end object t_code_ctn1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_ctn Left = 301 Top = 240 end object t_code_ctn: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_ctnBeforePost OnPostError = t_code_ctnPostError Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_ctn' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 301 Top = 192 end object t_code_country1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_country Left = 381 Top = 136 end object t_code_country: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforeInsert = t_code_countryBeforeEdit BeforeEdit = t_code_countryBeforeEdit BeforePost = t_code_countryBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_code_countryBeforeEdit Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_country' 'order by '#27954','#20195#30721) Left = 384 Top = 96 end object t_code_disport1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_disport Left = 541 Top = 136 end object t_code_disport: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True OnPostError = t_code_disportPostError Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'SELECT EDI'#20195#30721','#33521#25991#21517','#22269#23478','#30465#20221','#20013#25991#21517','#33322#32447','#28207#21475#20840#21517','#28207#21475#20195#30721 'FROM t_code_disport' 'order by '#33521#25991#21517) Left = 544 Top = 96 end object t_code_trade1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_trade Left = 461 Top = 136 end object t_code_trade: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforeInsert = t_code_tradeBeforeEdit BeforeEdit = t_code_tradeBeforeEdit BeforePost = t_code_tradeBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_code_tradeBeforeEdit Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_trade' 'order by '#33322#32447#20195#30721) Left = 464 Top = 96 end object t_code_vessel1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_vessel Left = 301 Top = 336 end object t_code_vessel: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_vesselBeforePost BeforeScroll = t_code_vesselBeforeScroll AfterScroll = t_code_vesselAfterScroll Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_vessel' 'order by '#33521#25991#33337#21517) Left = 301 Top = 288 end object t_code_package1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_package Left = 45 Top = 240 end object t_code_package: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_packageBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_package' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 45 Top = 192 end object t_sys_code_emp: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic DataSource = t_sys_employee1 Parameters = < item Name = #22995#21517 DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 10 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_code_emp' 'where '#20154#21592'=:'#22995#21517) Left = 368 Top = 48 end object t_sys_code_data: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = < item Name = #22995#21517 DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 10 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_code_data' 'where '#20154#21592'=:'#22995#21517) Left = 456 Top = 48 end object t_code_ctn_de: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic BeforeInsert = t_code_ctn_deBeforeInsert OnPostError = t_code_ctn_dePostError Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_ctn_de' 'order by id') Left = 384 Top = 192 end object t_code_ctn_de1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_ctn_de Left = 384 Top = 240 end object t_crm_client1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client Left = 253 Top = 432 end object t_crm_client: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#23458#25143#29366#24577','#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#36890#35759#22320#22336','#37038#31665','#25597#36135#20154','#21457#31080#25260#22836','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399','#33337#20844#21496','#22330#31449',' + #36710#38431',' #25253#20851#34892','#22996#25176#21333#20301','#20195#29702','#36135#20195','#25910#36135#20154','#21457#36135#20154','#36890#30693#20154','#33322#31354#20844#21496','#20854#20182#23458#25143','#24555#36882#20844#21496','#22269#20869#20195#29702','#20179#24211','#26159#21542#20572#29992','#32654#20803#25903#31080#25260#22836',' #20154#27665#24065#25903#31080#25260#22836','#24320#25143#34892'USD,'#24080#21495'USD,'#24320#25143#34892'RMB,'#24080#21495'RMB,'#28023#36816#32852#31995#20154','#28023#36816#30005#35805','#28023#36816#20256#30495','#28023#36816#37038#31665','#31246#29575','#36827#39033#31246#29575','#35746 + #33329#31995#32479#24207#21015#21495' from t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 253 Top = 384 end object t_code_free1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_free Left = 141 Top = 240 end object t_code_free: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_freeBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_free' 'order by '#20184#36153#26041#24335) Left = 153 Top = 192 end object t_sys_department1: TDataSource DataSet = t_sys_department Left = 293 Top = 48 end object t_sys_department: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_department' 'order by '#37096#38376#21517#31216) Left = 293 end object p_no_replace: TADOStoredProc Connection = frm_main.db ProcedureName = 'p_no_replace;1' Parameters = < item Name = '@RETURN_VALUE' DataType = ftInteger Direction = pdReturnValue Precision = 10 Value = Null end item Name = 'old_num' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Size = 12 Value = Null end item Name = 'Code' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Size = 8 Value = Null end item Name = 'Num' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Direction = pdInputOutput Size = 12 Value = Null end> Left = 496 end object p_no_get: TADOStoredProc Connection = frm_main.db ProcedureName = 'p_no_get;1' Parameters = < item Name = '@RETURN_VALUE' DataType = ftInteger Direction = pdReturnValue Precision = 10 Value = Null end item Name = 'Code' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Size = 8 Value = 'SE200508' end item Name = 'Num' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Direction = pdInputOutput Size = 12 Value = Null end> Left = 420 end object t_code_code1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_code Left = 781 Top = 144 end object t_code_code: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True AfterInsert = t_code_codeAfterInsert BeforePost = t_code_codeBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_code' 'order by '#31616#31216) Left = 781 Top = 96 end object t_code_ctn_kind1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_ctn_kind Left = 221 Top = 240 end object t_code_ctn_kind: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_ctn_kindBeforePost OnPostError = t_code_ctn_kindPostError Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_ctn_kind' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 221 Top = 192 end object t_code_loaport1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_loaport Left = 621 Top = 136 end object t_code_loaport: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_loaportBeforePost OnPostError = t_code_loaportPostError Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_loaport' 'order by '#28207#21475#20195#30721) Left = 621 Top = 96 end object t_sys_parameters_value: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_parameters_value') Left = 581 Top = 48 end object t_code_state: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic BeforeInsert = t_code_stateBeforeInsert AfterInsert = t_code_stateAfterInsert BeforeEdit = t_code_stateBeforeInsert BeforePost = t_code_stateBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_code_stateBeforeInsert Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_state' 'order by '#39034#24207) Left = 464 Top = 288 end object t_code_state1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_state Left = 464 Top = 336 end object t_sys_report_head1: TDataSource DataSet = t_sys_report_head Left = 685 Top = 48 end object t_sys_report_head: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_report_head') Left = 685 end object t_load_employee1: TDataSource DataSet = t_load_employee Left = 781 Top = 48 end object t_load_employee: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = < item Name = #22995#21517 DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 10 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select e.*,(select '#35746#33329#31995#32479#24207#21015#21495' from t_code_subcomp where '#20998#37096#21517#31216'=e.'#20998#37096#21517#31216 + ') '#20844#21496#35746#33329#31995#32479#24207#21015#21495' ' 'from t_sys_employee e' 'where '#22995#21517'=:'#22995#21517) Left = 781 end object t_code_signbill1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_signbill Left = 469 Top = 240 end object t_code_signbill: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_signbillBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_signbill' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 472 Top = 192 end object t_code_price1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_price Left = 549 Top = 240 end object t_code_price: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True AfterInsert = t_code_priceAfterInsert BeforePost = t_code_priceBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_price' 'order by '#21033#28070#26368#20302) Left = 549 Top = 192 end object t_code_client_parameter1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_client_parameter Left = 645 Top = 240 end object t_code_client_parameter: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_client_parameterBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_client_parameter') Left = 645 Top = 192 end object t_code_contract1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_contract Left = 141 Top = 336 end object t_code_contract: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_contractBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_contract' 'order by '#21512#32422#31867#22411) Left = 141 Top = 288 end object t_code_price_ctn1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_price_ctn Left = 221 Top = 336 end object t_code_price_ctn: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_price_ctn') Left = 221 Top = 288 end object t_code_voyage1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_voyage Left = 381 Top = 336 end object t_code_voyage: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforeInsert = t_code_voyageBeforeInsert AfterInsert = t_code_voyageAfterInsert BeforePost = t_code_voyageBeforePost AfterPost = t_code_voyageAfterPost BeforeScroll = t_code_voyageBeforeScroll DataSource = t_code_vessel1 Parameters = < item Name = 'VS_ID' DataType = ftInteger Value = 520 end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_voyage' 'where VS_ID=:VS_ID' 'order by '#24320#33337#26085#26399) Left = 381 Top = 288 end object t_code_truck_client: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic BeforeInsert = t_code_truck_clientBeforeInsert BeforeEdit = t_code_truck_clientBeforeInsert BeforePost = t_code_truck_clientBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_code_truck_clientBeforeInsert Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_truck_client' 'order by '#21378#23478#21517#31216) Left = 696 Top = 104 end object t_code_truck_client1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_truck_client Left = 696 Top = 152 end object t_code_truck_changzhan: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic BeforeInsert = t_code_truck_changzhanBeforeInsert BeforeEdit = t_code_truck_changzhanBeforeInsert BeforePost = t_code_truck_changzhanBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_code_truck_changzhanBeforeInsert Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_truck_changzhan' 'order by '#22330#31449#21517#31216) Left = 760 Top = 288 end object t_code_truck_changzhan1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_truck_changzhan Left = 760 Top = 336 end object t_code_send_head: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic BeforeInsert = t_code_send_headBeforeEdit BeforeEdit = t_code_send_headBeforeEdit BeforePost = t_code_send_headBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_code_send_headBeforeEdit Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_send_head' 'order by HEAD_TO') Left = 760 Top = 200 end object t_code_send_head1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_send_head Left = 760 Top = 248 end object t_code_card1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_card Left = 45 Top = 328 end object t_code_card: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_cardBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_card' 'order by '#21333#35777#21517#31216) Left = 45 Top = 280 end object t_code_card_project1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_card_project Left = 45 Top = 432 end object t_code_card_project: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True AfterInsert = t_code_card_projectAfterInsert BeforeEdit = t_code_card_project_deBeforeDelete BeforePost = t_code_card_projectBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_code_card_project_deBeforeDelete Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_card_project' 'order by '#21333#35777#26041#26696) Left = 45 Top = 384 end object t_code_card_project_de1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_card_project_de Left = 157 Top = 432 end object t_code_card_project_de: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforeInsert = t_code_card_project_deBeforeInsert BeforeEdit = t_code_card_project_deBeforeDelete BeforePost = t_code_card_project_deBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_code_card_project_deBeforeDelete OnNewRecord = t_code_card_project_deNewRecord DataSource = t_code_card_project1 Parameters = < item Name = 'CP_ID' Attributes = [paSigned] DataType = ftInteger Precision = 10 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_card_project_de' 'where CP_ID=:CP_ID' 'order by '#21333#35777#21517#31216) Left = 157 Top = 384 end object t_crm_client_all1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_all Left = 325 Top = 432 end object t_crm_client_all: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#23458#25143#29366#24577','#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#36890#35759#22320#22336','#30005#35805','#37038#31665','#25597#36135#20154','#21457#31080#25260#22836','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399','#33337#20844#21496',' + #22330#31449','#36710#38431',' #25253#20851#34892','#22996#25176#21333#20301','#20195#29702','#36135#20195','#25910#36135#20154','#21457#36135#20154','#36890#30693#20154','#33322#31354#20844#21496','#20854#20182#23458#25143','#24555#36882#20844#21496','#22269#20869#20195#29702','#26159#21542#20572#29992','#31246#29575' ' ','#24320#25143#34892'USD,'#24080#21495'USD,'#24320#25143#34892'RMB,'#24080#21495'RMB,'#32435#31246#20154#35782#21035#21495','#32435#31246#31867#22411','#23458#25143#31867#21035','#32654#20803#25903#31080#25260#22836','#20154#27665#24065#25903#31080#25260#22836 '' 'from t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 325 Top = 384 end object t_crm_client_ship1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_ship Left = 413 Top = 432 end object t_crm_client_ship: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399','#33337#20844#21496#35201#27714','#20013#25991#25552#31034','#33337#20844#21496#20986#24080#22825#25968' from t' + '_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#33337#20844#21496'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 413 Top = 384 end object t_crm_client_changzhan1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_changzhan Left = 517 Top = 432 end object t_crm_client_changzhan: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#36890#35759#22320#22336','#30005#35805','#25597#36135#20154','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399','#28023#36816#32852#31995#20154','#28023#36816#30005#35805','#19996#32988#20195#30721' f' + 'rom t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#22330#31449'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 517 Top = 384 end object t_crm_client_truck1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_truck Left = 629 Top = 432 end object t_crm_client_truck: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399','#31246#29575','#36827#39033#31246#29575' from t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#36710#38431'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 629 Top = 384 end object t_crm_client_baoguan1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_baoguan Left = 45 Top = 528 end object t_crm_client_baoguan: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399' from t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#25253#20851#34892'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 45 Top = 480 end object t_crm_client_weituo1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_weituo Left = 149 Top = 528 end object t_crm_client_weituo: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24555#25463#20195#30721','#31354#36816#24555#25463#20195#30721','#21457#36135#20154','#32467#36153#20064#24815','#27880#37325#29615#33410','#35746#33329#31995#32479#24207#21015#21495',' + #31246#29575','#36827#39033#31246#29575','#23458#26381#21592' from t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#22996#25176#21333#20301'=1 ' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 149 Top = 480 end object t_crm_client_daili1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_daili Left = 245 Top = 528 end object t_crm_client_daili: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399','#24555#25463#20195#30721','#31354#36816#24555#25463#20195#30721' from t_crm_cl' + 'ient' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#20195#29702'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 245 Top = 480 end object t_crm_client_huodai1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_huodai Left = 341 Top = 528 end object t_crm_client_huodai: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399' from t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#36135#20195'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 341 Top = 480 end object t_crm_client_shiper1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_shiper Left = 437 Top = 528 end object t_crm_client_shiper: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#24555#25463#20195#30721','#31354#36816#24555#25463#20195#30721','#30005#35805','#37038#31665','#20256#30495','#22269#23478#20195#30721','#20225#19994#20195#30721' from t_' + 'crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#21457#36135#20154'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 437 Top = 480 end object t_crm_client_shouhuo1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_shouhuo Left = 541 Top = 528 end object t_crm_client_shouhuo: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24555#25463#20195#30721','#31354#36816#24555#25463#20195#30721','#30005#35805','#37038#31665','#20256#30495','#22269#23478#20195#30721','#20225#19994#20195#30721' fro' + 'm t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#25910#36135#20154'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 517 Top = 480 end object t_crm_client_tongzhi1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_tongzhi Left = 653 Top = 528 end object t_crm_client_tongzhi: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24555#25463#20195#30721','#31354#36816#24555#25463#20195#30721','#30005#35805','#37038#31665','#20256#30495','#22269#23478#20195#30721','#20225#19994#20195#30721' fro' + 'm t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#36890#30693#20154'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 653 Top = 480 end object t_crm_client_hangkong1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_hangkong Left = 741 Top = 432 end object t_crm_client_hangkong: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399' from t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#33322#31354#20844#21496'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 741 Top = 384 end object t_crm_client_other1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_other Left = 773 Top = 528 end object t_crm_client_other: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399' from t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#20854#20182#23458#25143'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 773 Top = 480 end object t_code_state_project1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_state_project Left = 541 Top = 336 end object t_code_state_project: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True AfterInsert = t_code_state_projectAfterInsert BeforeEdit = t_code_state_projectBeforeDelete BeforePost = t_code_state_projectBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_code_state_projectBeforeDelete Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_state_project' 'order by '#29366#24577#26041#26696) Left = 549 Top = 288 end object t_code_state_project_de1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_state_project_de Left = 645 Top = 336 end object t_code_state_project_de: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforeInsert = t_code_state_project_deBeforeInsert BeforeEdit = t_code_state_projectBeforeDelete BeforePost = t_code_state_project_deBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_code_state_projectBeforeDelete DataSource = t_code_state_project1 Parameters = < item Name = 'SP_ID' Attributes = [paSigned] DataType = ftInteger Precision = 10 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_state_project_de' 'where SP_ID=:SP_ID' 'order by '#39034#24207) Left = 645 Top = 288 end object t_code_fee_color1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_fee_color Left = 36 Top = 656 end object t_code_fee_color: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_fee_color' 'order by FC_ID') Left = 28 Top = 604 end object t_code_source1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_source Left = 112 Top = 644 end object t_code_source: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic BeforePost = t_code_sourceBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_source' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 108 Top = 592 end object t_op_letter_free1: TDataSource DataSet = t_op_letter_free Left = 248 Top = 632 end object t_op_letter_free: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic AfterInsert = t_op_letter_freeAfterInsert BeforePost = t_op_letter_freeBeforePost AfterPost = t_op_letter_freeAfterPost AfterCancel = t_op_letter_freeAfterCancel BeforeDelete = t_op_letter_freeBeforeDelete AfterDelete = t_op_letter_freeAfterDelete Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_op_letter_free' 'order by '#20989#30005#21517#31216) Left = 248 Top = 584 end object t_op_letter_free_detail1: TDataSource DataSet = t_op_letter_free_detail Left = 344 Top = 632 end object t_op_letter_free_detail: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic BeforeInsert = t_op_letter_free_detailBeforeInsert AfterInsert = t_op_letter_free_detailAfterInsert BeforePost = t_op_letter_free_detailBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_op_letter_free_detailBeforeDelete DataSource = t_op_letter_free1 Parameters = < item Name = 'LF' Attributes = [paSigned] DataType = ftInteger Precision = 10 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_op_letter_free_detail' 'where LF=:LF' 'order by FD') Left = 344 Top = 584 end object p_update: TADOStoredProc Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic ProcedureName = 'p_query_table;1' Parameters = < item Name = '@RETURN_VALUE' DataType = ftInteger Direction = pdReturnValue Precision = 10 Value = 0 end item Name = 'SQLStr' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftMemo Size = 8000 Value = 'select top 10 * ,(case when '#37325#37327'/1000> '#23610#30721' then '#37325#37327'/1000 else '#23610#30721' en' + 'd) as '#35745#36153#21544' from t_op_seae' end> Left = 576 Top = 4 end object t_code_fee_type1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_fee_type Left = 437 Top = 632 end object t_code_fee_type: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_fee_typeBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_fee_type' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 440 Top = 584 end object t_code_port_air1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_port_air Left = 541 Top = 632 end object t_code_port_air: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_port_airBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_port_air' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 544 Top = 584 end object t_crm_client_kuaidi1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_kuaidi Left = 653 Top = 624 end object t_crm_client_kuaidi: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154' from t_crm_client' 'where '#24555#36882#20844#21496'=1' 'order by '#23458#25143#31616#31216) Left = 653 Top = 576 end object t_code_send_address1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_send_address Left = 773 Top = 624 end object t_code_send_address: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforeInsert = t_code_send_addressBeforeInsert BeforeEdit = t_code_send_addressBeforeInsert BeforePost = t_code_send_addressBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_code_send_addressBeforeInsert Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_send_address' 'order by '#25910#20214#20154#20844#21496) Left = 773 Top = 576 end object t_code_empty1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_empty Left = 877 Top = 48 end object t_code_empty: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_empty') Left = 877 end object v_employee_shenhe: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from v_employee_shenhe') Left = 877 Top = 104 end object v_employee_other: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from v_employee_other') Left = 877 Top = 160 end object t_code_edi_port: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic BeforePost = t_code_edi_portBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_edi_port' 'order by '#28207#21475#21517#31216) Left = 880 Top = 216 end object t_code_edi_port1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_edi_port Left = 880 Top = 264 end object t_code_tiaokuan1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_tiaokuan Left = 861 Top = 368 end object t_code_tiaokuan: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_tiaokuanBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_tiaokuan' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 864 Top = 328 end object t_code_shiyan1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_shiyan Left = 853 Top = 472 end object t_code_shiyan: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_shiyanBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_shiyan') Left = 853 Top = 424 end object t_code_package_edi: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_package_edi' 'order by EID'#20195#30721) Left = 848 Top = 550 end object t_code_package_edi1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_package_edi Left = 848 Top = 613 end object t_code_shiper_edi: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_shiper_edi' 'order by EDI'#20195#30721) Left = 928 Top = 401 end object t_code_shiper_edi1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_shiper_edi Left = 928 Top = 456 end object t_code_subcomp: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic BeforePost = t_code_subcompBeforePost BeforeDelete = t_code_subcompBeforeDelete Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_subcomp' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 924 Top = 532 end object t_code_subcomp1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_subcomp Left = 944 Top = 594 end object t_code_source_dl: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic BeforeInsert = t_code_source_dlBeforeInsert AfterInsert = t_code_source_dlAfterInsert DataSource = t_code_source1 Parameters = < item Name = #19994#21153#26469#28304 DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 8 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_source_dl where '#19994#21153#26469#28304'=:'#19994#21153#26469#28304 'order by '#19994#21153#26469#28304','#26469#28304#26126#32454) Left = 184 Top = 596 end object t_code_source_dl1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_source_dl Left = 188 Top = 648 end object t_sys_noset1: TDataSource DataSet = t_sys_noset Left = 940 Top = 350 end object t_sys_noset: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_noset where '#32534#21495#31867#22411'='#39#22996#25176#32534#21495#39 '') Left = 936 Top = 300 end object p_wtno_get: TADOStoredProc Connection = frm_main.db ProcedureName = 'p_wtno_get;1' Parameters = < item Name = '@RETURN_VALUE' DataType = ftInteger Direction = pdReturnValue Precision = 10 Value = Null end item Name = '@Codetype' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Size = 12 Value = #39#22996#25176#32534#21495#39 end item Name = '@Code' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Size = 20 Value = #39'SE'#39 end item Name = '@empty' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftBoolean Value = True end item Name = '@Num' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Direction = pdInputOutput Size = 20 Value = #39#39 end item Name = '@BsNo' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftInteger Direction = pdInputOutput Precision = 10 Value = 0 end> Left = 936 Top = 12 end object p_wtno_del: TADOStoredProc Connection = frm_main.db ProcedureName = 'p_wtno_del;1' Parameters = < item Name = '@RETURN_VALUE' DataType = ftInteger Direction = pdReturnValue Precision = 10 Value = Null end item Name = '@Codetype' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Size = 12 Value = #39#22996#25176#32534#21495#39 end item Name = '@Code' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Size = 20 Value = #39'SE'#39 end item Name = '@num' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Size = 20 Value = #39#39 end> Left = 940 Top = 72 end object P_GetMaxWTno: TADOStoredProc Connection = frm_main.db ProcedureName = 'P_GetMaxWTno' Parameters = < item Name = '@RETURN_VALUE' DataType = ftInteger Direction = pdReturnValue Precision = 10 Value = Null end item Name = '@hblhead' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Size = 30 Value = #39'1'#39 end> Left = 948 Top = 224 end object P_GetMaxDCno: TADOStoredProc Connection = frm_main.db ProcedureName = 'P_GetMaxDCno' Parameters = < item Name = '@RETURN_VALUE' DataType = ftInteger Direction = pdReturnValue Precision = 10 Value = Null end item Name = '@hblhead' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Size = 20 Value = #39'1'#39 end> Left = 944 Top = 172 end object p_getMaxHblno: TADOStoredProc Connection = frm_main.db ProcedureName = 'P_GetMaxHblno' Parameters = < item Name = '@RETURN_VALUE' DataType = ftInteger Direction = pdReturnValue Precision = 10 Value = Null end item Name = '@hblhead' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Size = 20 Value = Null end> Left = 940 Top = 124 end object t_crm_client_gndaili: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399' from t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#22269#20869#20195#29702'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 101 Top = 205 end object t_crm_client_gndaili1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_gndaili Left = 93 Top = 548 end object memreg: TkbmMemTable DesignActivation = True AttachedAutoRefresh = True AttachMaxCount = 1 FieldDefs = < item Name = 'fmoduleid' DataType = ftInteger end item Name = #27169#22359#21517#31216 DataType = ftString Size = 50 end item Name = 'reg' DataType = ftSmallint end item Name = 'QCode' DataType = ftString Size = 4 end> IndexFieldNames = 'fmoduleid' IndexDefs = <> SortOptions = [] PersistentBackup = False ProgressFlags = [mtpcLoad, mtpcSave, mtpcCopy] FilterOptions = [] Version = '3.05' LanguageID = 0 SortID = 0 SubLanguageID = 1 LocaleID = 1024 DefaultFormat = kbmCSVStreamFormat1 Left = 12 Top = 16 object memregfmoduleid: TIntegerField FieldName = 'fmoduleid' end object memregField: TStringField FieldName = #27169#22359#21517#31216 Size = 50 end object memregreg: TSmallintField FieldName = 'reg' end object memregQCode: TStringField FieldName = 'QCode' Size = 4 end end object kbmThreadDataSet1: TkbmThreadDataSet Left = 192 Top = 52 end object kbmCSVStreamFormat1: TkbmCSVStreamFormat CSVQuote = '"' CSVFieldDelimiter = ',' CSVRecordDelimiter = ',' CSVTrueString = 'True' CSVFalseString = 'False' sfLocalFormat = [] sfQuoteOnlyStrings = [] sfNoHeader = [] Version = '3.00' sfData = [sfSaveData, sfLoadData] sfCalculated = [] sfLookup = [] sfNonVisible = [sfSaveNonVisible, sfLoadNonVisible] sfBlobs = [sfSaveBlobs, sfLoadBlobs] sfDef = [sfSaveDef, sfLoadDef] sfIndexDef = [sfSaveIndexDef, sfLoadIndexDef] sfPlaceHolders = [] sfFiltered = [sfSaveFiltered] sfIgnoreRange = [sfSaveIgnoreRange] sfIgnoreMasterDetail = [sfSaveIgnoreMasterDetail] sfDeltas = [] sfDontFilterDeltas = [] sfAppend = [] sfFieldKind = [sfSaveFieldKind] sfFromStart = [sfLoadFromStart] Left = 256 Top = 72 end object memreg1: TDataSource DataSet = memreg Left = 8 Top = 68 end object t_code_railwayctnsource: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_railwayctnsourceBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_railway_ctnsource' 'order by '#31665#28304) Left = 49 Top = 700 end object t_code_railwayctnsource1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_railwayctnsource Left = 45 Top = 748 end object t_code_railport: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_railport' 'order by '#21475#23736#20195#30721) Left = 172 Top = 696 end object t_code_railport1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_railport Left = 165 Top = 752 end object t_code_railwaypath: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_railwaypathBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_railway_path' 'order by '#21457#36710#26041#21521) Left = 253 Top = 700 end object t_code_railwaypath1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_railwaypath Left = 249 Top = 752 end object t_AgentDc_no: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_noset where '#32534#21495#31867#22411'='#39#20195#29702#24080#21333#32534#21495#39 '') Left = 372 Top = 704 end object t_code_stlmode1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_stlmode Left = 432 Top = 760 end object t_code_stlmode: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic BeforePost = t_code_stlmodeBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_stlmode') Left = 436 Top = 696 end object t_code_fee_unit: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True BeforePost = t_code_fee_unitBeforePost Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_fee_unit' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 520 Top = 692 end object t_code_fee_unit1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_fee_unit Left = 525 Top = 752 end object t_crm_client_cangku1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_cangku Left = 757 Top = 398 end object t_crm_client_cangku: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#36890#35759#22320#22336' from t_crm_client' 'where '#20179#24211'=1' 'order by '#23458#25143#31616#31216) Left = 661 Top = 393 end object t_code_tradetype: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_tradetype' '') Left = 1004 Top = 563 end object t_code_tradetype1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_tradetype Left = 1004 Top = 611 end object p_Settlement: TADOStoredProc Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic ProcedureName = 'p_Settlement;1' Parameters = < item Name = '@RETURN_VALUE' DataType = ftInteger Direction = pdReturnValue Precision = 10 Value = Null end item Name = '@SetType' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftInteger Precision = 10 Value = Null end item Name = '@ch_id' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftInteger Precision = 10 Value = Null end item Name = '@amt' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftFloat NumericScale = 2 Precision = 18 Value = Null end> Left = 624 Top = 4 end object v_vessel_voyage: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from v_vessel_voyage' 'order by '#24320#33337#26085#26399) Left = 645 Top = 622 end object v_vessel_voyage1: TDataSource DataSet = v_vessel_voyage Left = 645 Top = 670 end object t_code_disport_all: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True OnPostError = t_code_disportPostError Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'SELECT '#33521#25991#21517','#20013#25991#21517 'FROM t_code_disport' 'union' 'SELECT '#33521#25991#21517','#20013#25991#21517 'FROM t_code_port_air' 'order by '#33521#25991#21517 '') Left = 576 Top = 392 end object t_sys_noset_hblno: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_noset where '#32534#21495#31867#22411'='#39#20998#25552#21333#21495#39 '') Left = 1144 Top = 149 end object t_sys_noset_hblno1: TDataSource DataSet = t_sys_noset_hblno Left = 1168 Top = 218 end object t_crm_client_huodai_bi: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399' from t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and BI'#36135#20195'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 1077 Top = 352 end object t_crm_client_huodai_bi1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_huodai_bi Left = 1077 Top = 400 end object t_crm_client_ship_bi: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399','#33337#20844#21496#35201#27714','#20013#25991#25552#31034' from t_crm_cli' + 'ent' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and BI'#33337#20844#21496'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 1181 Top = 352 end object t_crm_client_ship_bi1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_ship_bi Left = 1189 Top = 408 end object v_code_port: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True OnPostError = t_code_loaportPostError Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'SELECT '#21475#23736#20195#30721','#33521#25991#21517','#20013#25991#21517 'FROM v_code_port' 'order by '#33521#25991#21517) Left = 1067 Top = 110 end object v_code_port1: TDataSource DataSet = v_code_port Left = 1067 Top = 150 end object t_code_city: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_code_city' 'order by '#24066#21306#20195#30721) Left = 1092 Top = 243 end object t_code_city1: TDataSource DataSet = t_code_city Left = 1089 Top = 291 end object WebServiceURLQry: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_parameters_value where '#21442#25968#21517#31216'='#39#35746#33329#26381#21153'URL'#39) Left = 1125 Top = 536 end object t_crm_client_cd: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Filtered = True Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select '#20195#30721',EDI'#20195#30721','#23458#25143#31616#31216','#23458#25143#20840#31216','#25597#36135#20154','#24405#20837#20154','#24405#20837#26085#26399' from t_crm_client' 'where '#23458#25143#24615#36136'<>'#39#30446#26631#39' and '#33337#20195'=1' 'order by '#20195#30721) Left = 1036 Top = 460 end object t_crm_client_cd1: TDataSource DataSet = t_crm_client_cd Left = 1036 Top = 508 end object p_edi_id: TADOStoredProc Connection = frm_main.db ProcedureName = 'p_edi_id;1' Parameters = < item Name = '@RETURN_VALUE' DataType = ftInteger Direction = pdReturnValue Precision = 10 Value = Null end item Name = 'str' Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString Direction = pdOutput Size = 12 Value = Null end> Left = 1012 Top = 28 end end