object fra_sys_data_v: Tfra_sys_data_v Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 155 Height = 235 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 0 object bsSkinGroupBox9: TbsSkinGroupBox Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 155 Height = 235 TabOrder = 0 SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1 SkinDataName = 'groupbox' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True AutoEnabledControls = True CheckedMode = False Checked = False DefaultAlignment = taLeftJustify DefaultCaptionHeight = 22 BorderStyle = bvFrame CaptionMode = True RollUpMode = False RollUpState = False NumGlyphs = 1 Spacing = 2 Align = alClient object bsSkinPanel1: TbsSkinPanel Left = 1 Top = 23 Width = 153 Height = 25 TabOrder = 0 SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1 SkinDataName = 'panel' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True AutoEnabledControls = True CheckedMode = False Checked = False DefaultAlignment = taLeftJustify DefaultCaptionHeight = 22 BorderStyle = bvNone CaptionMode = False RollUpMode = False RollUpState = False NumGlyphs = 1 Spacing = 2 Caption = 'bsSkinPanel1' Align = alTop object bsSkinButton2: TbsSkinButton Left = 3 Top = 0 Width = 70 Height = 24 TabOrder = 0 SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1 SkinDataName = 'resizebutton' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True RepeatMode = False RepeatInterval = 100 AllowAllUp = False TabStop = True CanFocused = True Down = False GroupIndex = 0 Caption = #36873#25321 NumGlyphs = 2 Spacing = 1 OnClick = bsSkinButton2Click end object bsSkinButton5: TbsSkinButton Left = 75 Top = 0 Width = 70 Height = 24 TabOrder = 1 SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1 SkinDataName = 'resizebutton' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True RepeatMode = False RepeatInterval = 100 AllowAllUp = False TabStop = True CanFocused = True Down = False GroupIndex = 0 Caption = #20445#23384 NumGlyphs = 2 Spacing = 1 OnClick = bsSkinButton5Click end end object dxDBGrid1: TdxDBGrid Left = 1 Top = 73 Width = 153 Height = 121 Bands = < item end> DefaultLayout = True HeaderPanelRowCount = 1 KeyField = #32844#21592 SummaryGroups = <> SummarySeparator = ', ' Align = alClient PopupMenu = PopupMenu1 TabOrder = 1 DataSource = t_op1 Filter.Criteria = {00000000} OptionsDB = [edgoCancelOnExit, edgoCanDelete, edgoCanInsert, edgoCanNavigation, edgoConfirmDelete, edgoLoadAllRecords, edgoUseBookmarks] object dxDBGrid1Column1: TdxDBGridMaskColumn ReadOnly = True Width = 74 BandIndex = 0 RowIndex = 0 FieldName = #32844#21592 end object dxDBGrid1Column2: TdxDBGridCheckColumn Caption = #21487#35270 Width = 46 BandIndex = 0 RowIndex = 0 FieldName = #26159#21542#21487#35270 ValueChecked = 'True' ValueUnchecked = 'False' end end object bsSkinPanel2: TbsSkinPanel Left = 1 Top = 48 Width = 153 Height = 25 TabOrder = 2 SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1 SkinDataName = 'panel' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True AutoEnabledControls = True CheckedMode = False Checked = False DefaultAlignment = taLeftJustify DefaultCaptionHeight = 22 BorderStyle = bvFrame CaptionMode = False RollUpMode = False RollUpState = False NumGlyphs = 1 Spacing = 2 Caption = 'bsSkinPanel2' Align = alTop object Label1: TLabel Left = 7 Top = 7 Width = 48 Height = 12 Caption = #21487#35270#33539#22260 Transparent = True end object wwDBComboBox1: TwwDBComboBox Left = 58 Top = 2 Width = 85 Height = 20 ShowButton = True Style = csDropDown MapList = False AllowClearKey = False DataField = #21487#35270#33539#22260 DataSource = t_sql1 DropDownCount = 8 ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ItemHeight = 0 Items.Strings = ( #20840#37096 #37096#38376 #20998#20844#21496 #36873#25321) Sorted = False TabOrder = 0 UnboundDataType = wwDefault OnChange = wwDBComboBox1Change end end object DBMemo1: TDBMemo Left = 1 Top = 194 Width = 153 Height = 40 Align = alBottom DataField = #35821#21477 DataSource = t_sql1 ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 TabOrder = 3 end end object t_op: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = < item Name = #22995#21517 DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 10 Value = Null end item Name = #23646#24615 DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 20 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_code_data' 'where '#20154#21592'=:'#22995#21517' and '#23646#24615'=:'#23646#24615 'order by '#32844#21592) Left = 56 Top = 144 end object t_op1: TDataSource DataSet = t_op Left = 56 Top = 184 end object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu OwnerDraw = True Left = 56 Top = 104 object N8: TMenuItem Caption = #20010#20154#25968#25454 OnClick = N8Click end object N9: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object N10: TMenuItem Caption = #37096#38376#25968#25454 OnClick = N10Click end object N11: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object N2: TMenuItem Caption = #20998#20844#21496#25968#25454 OnClick = N2Click end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object N12: TMenuItem Caption = #20840#37096#25968#25454 OnClick = N12Click end object N13: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object N14: TMenuItem Caption = #20840#37096#28165#31354 OnClick = N14Click end end object XPMenu1: TXPMenu Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clMenuText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] Color = 15189677 IconBackColor = 15189677 MenuBarColor = 15189677 SelectColor = 14139102 SelectBorderColor = clHighlight SelectFontColor = clMenuText DisabledColor = clInactiveCaption SeparatorColor = 13485965 CheckedColor = clHighlight IconWidth = 24 DrawSelect = True UseSystemColors = False OverrideOwnerDraw = False Gradient = True FlatMenu = True AutoDetect = True Active = True Left = 289 Top = 56 end object t_sql: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic AfterInsert = t_sqlAfterInsert Parameters = < item Name = #22995#21517 DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 10 Value = Null end item Name = #23646#24615 DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 20 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_sys_code_sql' 'where '#20154#21592'=:'#22995#21517' and '#23646#24615'=:'#23646#24615) Left = 116 Top = 84 end object t_sql1: TDataSource DataSet = t_sql Left = 116 Top = 124 end end