object frm_check_all: Tfrm_check_all Left = 301 Top = 229 BorderIcons = [] BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = #25972#31080#23457#26680 ClientHeight = 511 ClientWidth = 966 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poDesktopCenter OnClose = FormClose OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 12 object DBGridEh1: TDBGridEh Left = 0 Top = 69 Width = 966 Height = 232 Align = alTop DataSource = memtblprint1 FooterColor = clWindow FooterFont.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET FooterFont.Color = clWindowText FooterFont.Height = -12 FooterFont.Name = #23435#20307 FooterFont.Style = [] ReadOnly = True SumList.Active = True TabOrder = 0 TitleFont.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET TitleFont.Color = clWindowText TitleFont.Height = -12 TitleFont.Name = #23435#20307 TitleFont.Style = [] Columns = < item EditButtons = <> FieldName = 'ACCNAME' Footers = <> Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = #36153#29992#21517#31216 Width = 84 end item EditButtons = <> FieldName = 'OBJDR' Footers = <> Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = #25910#36153#23458#25143 Width = 99 end item EditButtons = <> FieldName = 'RMBDR' Footer.ValueType = fvtSum Footers = <> Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = #24212#25910'RMB' end item EditButtons = <> FieldName = 'USDDR' Footer.ValueType = fvtSum Footers = <> Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = #24212#25910'USD' end item EditButtons = <> FieldName = 'OTDR' Footer.ValueType = fvtSum Footers = <> Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = #24212#25910#20854#20182 end item EditButtons = <> FieldName = 'TTLDR' Footer.ValueType = fvtSum Footers = <> Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = #24212#25910#21512#35745 Visible = False Width = 86 end item EditButtons = <> FieldName = 'OBJCR' Footers = <> Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = #24212#20184#23458#25143 Width = 119 end item EditButtons = <> FieldName = 'RMBCR' Footer.ValueType = fvtSum Footers = <> Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = #24212#20184'RMB' Width = 83 end item EditButtons = <> FieldName = 'USDCR' Footer.ValueType = fvtSum Footers = <> Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = #24212#20184'USD' end item EditButtons = <> FieldName = 'OTCR' Footer.ValueType = fvtSum Footers = <> Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = #24212#20184#20854#20182 end item EditButtons = <> FieldName = 'TTLCR' Footer.ValueType = fvtSum Footers = <> Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = #24212#20184#21512#35745 Visible = False Width = 84 end> end object bsSkinPanel1: TbsSkinPanel Left = 0 Top = 482 Width = 966 Height = 29 TabOrder = 1 SkinDataName = 'panel' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True AutoEnabledControls = True CheckedMode = False Checked = False DefaultAlignment = taLeftJustify DefaultCaptionHeight = 22 BorderStyle = bvFrame CaptionMode = False RollUpMode = False RollUpState = False NumGlyphs = 1 Spacing = 2 Caption = 'bsSkinPanel1' Align = alBottom object bsSkinButton16: TbsSkinButton Left = -1 Top = 3 Width = 75 Height = 25 TabOrder = 0 SkinDataName = 'button' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True RepeatMode = False RepeatInterval = 100 AllowAllUp = False TabStop = True CanFocused = True Down = False GroupIndex = 0 Caption = #20851#38381 NumGlyphs = 2 Spacing = 1 ModalResult = 1 end end object Panel2: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 966 Height = 69 Align = alTop TabOrder = 2 object bsSkinDBText1: TbsSkinDBText Left = 85 Top = 6 Width = 110 Height = 17 UseSkinFont = True DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = -11 DefaultFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DefaultFont.Style = [] SkinDataName = 'stdlabel' Caption = 'bsSkinDBText1' ShowAccelChar = False DataField = #22996#25176#21333#20301 DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Transparent = True end object bsSkinDBText2: TbsSkinDBText Left = 273 Top = 6 Width = 172 Height = 17 UseSkinFont = True DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = -11 DefaultFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DefaultFont.Style = [] SkinDataName = 'stdlabel' Caption = 'bsSkinDBText2' ShowAccelChar = False DataField = #33337#21517 DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Transparent = True end object bsSkinDBText3: TbsSkinDBText Left = 441 Top = 6 Width = 84 Height = 17 UseSkinFont = True DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = -11 DefaultFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DefaultFont.Style = [] SkinDataName = 'stdlabel' Caption = 'bsSkinDBText3' ShowAccelChar = False DataField = #33322#27425 DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Transparent = True end object bsSkinDBText4: TbsSkinDBText Left = 617 Top = 6 Width = 172 Height = 17 UseSkinFont = True DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = -11 DefaultFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DefaultFont.Style = [] SkinDataName = 'stdlabel' Caption = 'bsSkinDBText4' ShowAccelChar = False DataField = #20027#25552#21333#21495 DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Transparent = True end object bsSkinDBText5: TbsSkinDBText Left = 85 Top = 26 Width = 106 Height = 17 UseSkinFont = True DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = -11 DefaultFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DefaultFont.Style = [] SkinDataName = 'stdlabel' Caption = 'bsSkinDBText5' ShowAccelChar = False DataField = #24320#33337#26085#26399 DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Transparent = True end object bsSkinDBText6: TbsSkinDBText Left = 273 Top = 27 Width = 172 Height = 17 UseSkinFont = True DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = -11 DefaultFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DefaultFont.Style = [] SkinDataName = 'stdlabel' Caption = 'bsSkinDBText6' ShowAccelChar = False DataField = #21368#36135#28207 DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Transparent = True end object bsSkinDBText7: TbsSkinDBText Left = 617 Top = 26 Width = 172 Height = 17 UseSkinFont = True DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = -11 DefaultFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DefaultFont.Style = [] SkinDataName = 'stdlabel' Caption = 'bsSkinDBText7' ShowAccelChar = False DataField = #20184#36153#26041#24335 DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Transparent = True end object bsSkinDBText8: TbsSkinDBText Left = 85 Top = 46 Width = 106 Height = 17 UseSkinFont = True DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = -11 DefaultFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DefaultFont.Style = [] SkinDataName = 'stdlabel' Caption = 'bsSkinDBText8' ShowAccelChar = False DataField = #38598#35013#31665 DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Transparent = True end object bsSkinDBText9: TbsSkinDBText Left = 273 Top = 47 Width = 100 Height = 17 UseSkinFont = True DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = -11 DefaultFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DefaultFont.Style = [] SkinDataName = 'stdlabel' Caption = 'bsSkinDBText9' ShowAccelChar = False DataField = #20214#25968 DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Transparent = True end object bsSkinDBText10: TbsSkinDBText Left = 434 Top = 47 Width = 100 Height = 17 UseSkinFont = True DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = -11 DefaultFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DefaultFont.Style = [] SkinDataName = 'stdlabel' Caption = 'bsSkinDBText10' ShowAccelChar = False DataField = #37325#37327 DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Transparent = True end object bsSkinDBText11: TbsSkinDBText Left = 616 Top = 46 Width = 100 Height = 17 UseSkinFont = True DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = -11 DefaultFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DefaultFont.Style = [] SkinDataName = 'stdlabel' Caption = 'bsSkinDBText11' ShowAccelChar = False DataField = #23610#30721 DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Transparent = True end object bsSkinLabel1: TbsSkinLabel Left = 6 Top = 4 Width = 75 Height = 21 TabOrder = 0 SkinDataName = 'label' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True BorderStyle = bvFrame AutoSize = False Caption = #22996#25176#21333#20301 end object bsSkinLabel2: TbsSkinLabel Left = 194 Top = 4 Width = 75 Height = 21 TabOrder = 1 SkinDataName = 'label' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True BorderStyle = bvFrame AutoSize = False Caption = #33337#21517#33322#27425 end object bsSkinLabel3: TbsSkinLabel Left = 538 Top = 4 Width = 75 Height = 21 TabOrder = 2 SkinDataName = 'label' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True BorderStyle = bvFrame AutoSize = False Caption = #20027#25552#21333#21495 end object bsSkinLabel4: TbsSkinLabel Left = 6 Top = 24 Width = 75 Height = 21 TabOrder = 3 SkinDataName = 'label' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True BorderStyle = bvFrame AutoSize = False Caption = #24320#33337#26085#26399 end object bsSkinLabel5: TbsSkinLabel Left = 194 Top = 25 Width = 75 Height = 21 TabOrder = 4 SkinDataName = 'label' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True BorderStyle = bvFrame AutoSize = False Caption = #21368#36135#28207 end object bsSkinLabel6: TbsSkinLabel Left = 538 Top = 24 Width = 75 Height = 21 TabOrder = 5 SkinDataName = 'label' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True BorderStyle = bvFrame AutoSize = False Caption = #20184#36153#26041#24335 end object bsSkinLabel7: TbsSkinLabel Left = 6 Top = 44 Width = 75 Height = 21 TabOrder = 6 SkinDataName = 'label' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True BorderStyle = bvFrame AutoSize = False Caption = #38598#35013#31665 end object bsSkinLabel8: TbsSkinLabel Left = 194 Top = 45 Width = 75 Height = 21 TabOrder = 7 SkinDataName = 'label' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True BorderStyle = bvFrame AutoSize = False Caption = #20214#25968 end object bsSkinLabel9: TbsSkinLabel Left = 355 Top = 45 Width = 75 Height = 21 TabOrder = 8 SkinDataName = 'label' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True BorderStyle = bvFrame AutoSize = False Caption = #37325#37327 end object bsSkinLabel10: TbsSkinLabel Left = 538 Top = 44 Width = 75 Height = 21 TabOrder = 9 SkinDataName = 'label' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True BorderStyle = bvFrame AutoSize = False Caption = #23610#30721 end end object bsSkinGroupBox1: TbsSkinGroupBox Left = 0 Top = 301 Width = 966 Height = 181 TabOrder = 3 SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1 SkinDataName = 'groupbox' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True AutoEnabledControls = True CheckedMode = False Checked = False DefaultAlignment = taLeftJustify DefaultCaptionHeight = 22 BorderStyle = bvNone CaptionMode = True RollUpMode = False RollUpState = False NumGlyphs = 1 Spacing = 2 Caption = #36153#29992#21512#35745 Align = alClient object Memo1: TMemo Left = 0 Top = 22 Width = 966 Height = 159 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -10 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 0 WantReturns = False end end object bsBusinessSkinForm1: TbsBusinessSkinForm UseSkinFontInMenu = True ShowIcon = False MaximizeOnFullScreen = False AlphaBlend = False AlphaBlendAnimation = False AlphaBlendValue = 100 ShowObjectHint = False MenusAlphaBlend = False MenusAlphaBlendAnimation = False MenusAlphaBlendValue = 0 DefCaptionFont.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET DefCaptionFont.Color = clBtnText DefCaptionFont.Height = -12 DefCaptionFont.Name = #23435#20307 DefCaptionFont.Style = [] DefInActiveCaptionFont.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET DefInActiveCaptionFont.Color = clBtnShadow DefInActiveCaptionFont.Height = -12 DefInActiveCaptionFont.Name = #23435#20307 DefInActiveCaptionFont.Style = [] DefMenuItemHeight = 20 DefMenuItemFont.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET DefMenuItemFont.Color = clWindowText DefMenuItemFont.Height = -12 DefMenuItemFont.Name = #23435#20307 DefMenuItemFont.Style = [] UseDefaultSysMenu = True SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1 MinHeight = 0 MinWidth = 0 Magnetic = False MagneticSize = 10 BorderIcons = [biMinimize] Left = 160 Top = 324 end object t_bz_balance: TRxMemoryData FieldDefs = < item Name = 'one' DataType = ftString Size = 10 end item Name = 'two' DataType = ftString Size = 10 end item Name = 'three' DataType = ftFloat end> Left = 545 Top = 528 end object RxMemoryData1: TRxMemoryData FieldDefs = < item Name = 'one' DataType = ftString Size = 10 end item Name = 'two' DataType = ftString Size = 10 end item Name = 'three' DataType = ftFloat end> Left = 545 Top = 528 end object memtblprint1: TDataSource DataSet = memtblprint Left = 488 Top = 448 end object memtblprint: TkbmMemTable DesignActivation = True AttachedAutoRefresh = True AttachMaxCount = 1 FieldDefs = < item Name = 'ORDNO' DataType = ftInteger end item Name = 'FRT' DataType = ftString Size = 20 end item Name = 'ACCNAME' DataType = ftString Size = 20 end item Name = 'OBJDR' DataType = ftString Size = 20 end item Name = 'RMBDR' DataType = ftFloat end item Name = 'USDDR' DataType = ftFloat end item Name = 'TTLDR' DataType = ftFloat end item Name = 'REMARKDR' DataType = ftString Size = 200 end item Name = 'OBJCR' DataType = ftString Size = 20 end item Name = 'RMBCR' DataType = ftString Size = 20 end item Name = 'USDCR' DataType = ftFloat end item Name = 'TTLCR' DataType = ftFloat end item Name = 'REMARKCR' DataType = ftString Size = 100 end item Name = 'DR' DataType = ftString Size = 1 end item Name = 'CR' DataType = ftString Size = 1 end item Name = 'OTDR' DataType = ftFloat end item Name = 'OTCR' DataType = ftFloat end> IndexDefs = <> SortOptions = [] PersistentBackup = False ProgressFlags = [mtpcLoad, mtpcSave, mtpcCopy] FilterOptions = [] Version = '3.05' LanguageID = 0 SortID = 0 SubLanguageID = 1 LocaleID = 1024 Left = 448 Top = 404 object memtblprintORDNO: TIntegerField FieldName = 'ORDNO' end object memtblprintFRT: TStringField FieldName = 'FRT' end object memtblprintACCNAME: TStringField FieldName = 'ACCNAME' end object memtblprintOBJDR: TStringField FieldName = 'OBJDR' end object memtblprintRMBDR: TFloatField FieldName = 'RMBDR' end object memtblprintUSDDR: TFloatField FieldName = 'USDDR' end object memtblprintTTLDR: TFloatField FieldName = 'TTLDR' end object memtblprintREMARKDR: TStringField FieldName = 'REMARKDR' Size = 200 end object memtblprintOBJCR: TStringField FieldName = 'OBJCR' end object memtblprintRMBCR: TStringField FieldName = 'RMBCR' end object memtblprintUSDCR: TFloatField FieldName = 'USDCR' end object memtblprintTTLCR: TFloatField FieldName = 'TTLCR' end object memtblprintREMARKCR: TStringField FieldName = 'REMARKCR' Size = 100 end object memtblprintDR: TStringField FieldName = 'DR' Size = 1 end object memtblprintCR: TStringField FieldName = 'CR' Size = 1 end object memtblprintOTDR: TFloatField FieldName = 'OTDR' end object memtblprintOTCR: TFloatField FieldName = 'OTCR' end object memtblprintNOS: TIntegerField FieldName = 'NOS' end end object DataSource1: TDataSource Left = 232 Top = 144 end object t_ch_accept: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Parameters = < item Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 12 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_ch_fee' 'where '#31867#22411'='#39#25910#39' and '#32534#21495'=: '#32534#21495) Left = 392 Top = 136 end object t_ch_pay: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db DataSource = V_op_bscard_All1 Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_ch_fee' 'where '#31867#22411'='#39#20184' and '#32534#21495'=: '#32534#21495) Left = 496 Top = 128 end object V_op_bscard_All1: TDataSource DataSet = V_op_bscard_All Left = 568 Top = 224 end object V_op_bscard_All: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db Parameters = <> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from V_op_bscard_All' 'where 1=2') Left = 720 Top = 192 end end