You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

214 lines
5.4 KiB

object frm_LoadCompany: Tfrm_LoadCompany
Left = 460
Top = 306
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TextHeight = 13
object bsSkinPanel2: TbsSkinPanel
Left = 0
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Height = 371
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SkinDataName = 'panel'
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object bsSkinPanel3: TbsSkinPanel
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 619
Height = 24
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'panel'
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Caption = 'bsSkinPanel3'
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Left = 11
Top = 1
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Height = 21
TabOrder = 0
SkinDataName = 'button'
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TabStop = True
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Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #20445#23384
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
object dxdbgrd1: TdxDBGrid
Left = 0
Top = 24
Width = 619
Height = 347
Bands = <
DefaultLayout = True
HeaderPanelRowCount = 1
KeyField = 'BSNO'
ShowSummaryFooter = True
SummaryGroups = <>
SummarySeparator = ', '
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 1
DataSource = ds1
Filter.Active = True
Filter.Criteria = {00000000}
OptionsDB = [edgoCancelOnExit, edgoCanDelete, edgoCanInsert, edgoCanNavigation, edgoConfirmDelete, edgoLoadAllRecords, edgoUseBookmarks]
object dxdbgrd1Column1: TdxDBGridColumn
Sorted = csDown
Width = 135
BandIndex = 0
RowIndex = 0
FieldName = 'BSNO'
object dxdbgrd1Column2: TdxDBGridColumn
Width = 159
BandIndex = 0
RowIndex = 0
FieldName = 'AUDITOR'
object bsBusinessSkinForm1: TbsBusinessSkinForm
UseSkinFontInMenu = True
ShowIcon = False
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AlphaBlend = False
AlphaBlendAnimation = False
AlphaBlendValue = 100
ShowObjectHint = False
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SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
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BorderIcons = [biMinimize]
Left = 60
Top = 204
object MT1: TkbmMemTable
DesignActivation = True
AttachedAutoRefresh = True
AttachMaxCount = 1
FieldDefs = <>
IndexDefs = <>
SortOptions = []
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ProgressFlags = [mtpcLoad, mtpcSave, mtpcCopy]
FilterOptions = []
Version = '3.05'
LanguageID = 0
SortID = 0
SubLanguageID = 1
LocaleID = 1024
Left = 88
Top = 108
object MT1CompanyID: TStringField
FieldName = 'CompanyID'
object MT1CodeName: TStringField
FieldName = 'CodeName'
object MT1Field: TStringField
FieldName = #23458#25143#20840#31216
object ds1: TDataSource
DataSet = MT1
Left = 124
Top = 168
object qry1: TADOQuery
Connection = frm_main.db
Parameters = <>
Left = 156
Top = 108