You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
3072 lines
92 KiB
3072 lines
92 KiB
object frm_open_report: Tfrm_open_report
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object bsSkinGroupBox3: TbsSkinGroupBox
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Left = 1
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Height = 22
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OnClick = bsSkinButton74Click
object bsSkinButton76: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 243
Width = 175
Height = 22
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OnClick = bsSkinButton76Click
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Left = 1
Top = 265
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OnClick = bsSkinButton85Click
object bsSkinButton86: TbsSkinButton
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Height = 22
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SkinDataName = 'button'
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Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton86Click
object bsSkinButton87: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 67
Width = 175
Height = 22
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SkinDataName = 'button'
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GroupIndex = 0
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NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton87Click
object bsSkinGroupBox7: TbsSkinGroupBox
Left = 1
Top = 1
Width = 104
Height = 334
TabOrder = 1
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SkinDataName = 'groupbox'
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NumGlyphs = 1
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Caption = #36164#37329#20998#26512
Align = alLeft
object bsSkinButton43: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 23
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
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NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton43Click
object bsSkinButton44: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 67
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 1
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton44Click
object bsSkinButton46: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 89
Width = 102
Height = 22
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SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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GroupIndex = 0
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NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
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OnClick = bsSkinButton46Click
object bsSkinButton47: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 45
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 3
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SkinDataName = 'button'
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Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton47Click
object bsSkinButton31: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 111
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 4
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
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NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton31Click
object bsSkinButton14: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 133
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 5
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
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NumGlyphs = 2
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Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton14Click
object bsSkinGroupBox8: TbsSkinGroupBox
Left = 105
Top = 1
Width = 104
Height = 334
TabOrder = 2
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'groupbox'
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CaptionMode = True
RollUpMode = False
RollUpState = False
NumGlyphs = 1
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Caption = #19994#21153#32479#35745
Align = alLeft
object bsSkinButton42: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 23
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#20986#21475#19994#21153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton42Click
object bsSkinButton45: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 89
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 1
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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RepeatInterval = 100
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TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#36827#21475#19994#21153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton45Click
object bsSkinButton48: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 133
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 2
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#20986#21475#19994#21153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton48Click
object bsSkinButton49: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 155
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 3
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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RepeatInterval = 100
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TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#36827#21475#19994#21153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton49Click
object bsSkinButton50: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 177
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 4
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #19994#21153#32508#21512#32479#35745
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton50Click
object bsSkinButton25: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 67
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 5
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #20195#29702#20998#24080#32479#35745
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton25Click
object bsSkinButton29: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 111
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 6
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#32508#21512#32479#35745
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton29Click
object bsSkinButton35: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 45
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 7
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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OnClick = bsSkinButton35Click
object bsSkinButton68: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 221
Width = 102
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TabOrder = 8
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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OnClick = bsSkinButton68Click
object bsSkinButton73: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 199
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 9
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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Caption = #19994#21153#32508#21512#26376#24230#32479#35745
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OnClick = bsSkinButton73Click
object bsSkinButton77: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 243
Width = 102
Height = 22
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SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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GroupIndex = 0
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OnClick = bsSkinButton77Click
object bsSkinButton82: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 265
Width = 102
Height = 25
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SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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TabStop = True
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Caption = #27966#36710#32479#35745
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton82Click
object bsSkinButton83: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 290
Width = 102
Height = 25
TabOrder = 12
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #25253#20851#32479#35745
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton83Click
object bsSkinGroupBox9: TbsSkinGroupBox
Left = 209
Top = 1
Width = 104
Height = 334
TabOrder = 3
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'groupbox'
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RollUpMode = False
RollUpState = False
NumGlyphs = 1
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Caption = #19994#21153#36208#21183
Align = alLeft
object bsSkinButton51: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 23
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#20986#21475#19994#21153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton51Click
object bsSkinButton52: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 45
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 1
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#36827#21475#19994#21153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton52Click
object bsSkinButton53: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 67
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 2
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#20986#21475#19994#21153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton53Click
object bsSkinButton54: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 89
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 3
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#36827#21475#19994#21153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton54Click
object bsSkinButton55: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 111
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 4
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #36208#21183#32508#21512#20998#26512
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton55Click
object bsSkinGroupBox11: TbsSkinGroupBox
Left = 1
Top = 177
Width = 102
Height = 156
TabOrder = 5
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'groupbox'
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CaptionMode = True
RollUpMode = False
RollUpState = False
NumGlyphs = 1
Spacing = 2
Caption = #36816#36153#21333#20215#20998#26512
Align = alClient
object bsSkinButton69: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 45
Width = 100
Height = 22
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #36816#36153#23545#27604#20998#26512
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton69Click
object bsSkinButton70: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 23
Width = 100
Height = 22
TabOrder = 1
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #36816#36153#36208#21183#20998#26512
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton70Click
object bsSkinPanel5: TbsSkinPanel
Left = 1
Top = 155
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 6
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'panel'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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AutoEnabledControls = True
CheckedMode = False
Checked = False
DefaultAlignment = taLeftJustify
DefaultCaptionHeight = 22
BorderStyle = bvFrame
CaptionMode = False
RollUpMode = False
RollUpState = False
NumGlyphs = 1
Spacing = 2
Caption = 'bsSkinPanel5'
Align = alTop
object bsSkinButton81: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 133
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 7
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #21382#21490#25968#25454#23545#27604
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton81Click
object bsSkinGroupBox10: TbsSkinGroupBox
Left = 313
Top = 1
Width = 105
Height = 334
TabOrder = 4
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'groupbox'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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AutoEnabledControls = True
CheckedMode = False
Checked = False
DefaultAlignment = taLeftJustify
DefaultCaptionHeight = 22
BorderStyle = bvFrame
CaptionMode = True
RollUpMode = False
RollUpState = False
NumGlyphs = 1
Spacing = 2
Caption = #19994#21153#27604#20363
Align = alLeft
object bsSkinButton56: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 23
Width = 103
Height = 22
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#20986#21475#19994#21153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton56Click
object bsSkinButton57: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 67
Width = 103
Height = 22
TabOrder = 1
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#36827#21475#19994#21153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton57Click
object bsSkinButton58: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 89
Width = 103
Height = 22
TabOrder = 2
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#20986#21475#19994#21153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton58Click
object bsSkinButton59: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 111
Width = 103
Height = 22
TabOrder = 3
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#36827#21475#19994#21153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton59Click
object bsSkinButton60: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 133
Width = 103
Height = 22
TabOrder = 4
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #27604#20363#32508#21512#20998#26512
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton60Click
object bsSkinButton27: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 45
Width = 103
Height = 22
TabOrder = 5
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#20986#21475#31665#22411
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton27Click
object bsSkinPanel1: TbsSkinPanel
Left = 1
Top = 1
Width = 596
Height = 262
TabOrder = 1
SkinDataName = 'panel'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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AutoEnabledControls = True
CheckedMode = False
Checked = False
DefaultAlignment = taLeftJustify
DefaultCaptionHeight = 22
BorderStyle = bvFrame
CaptionMode = False
RollUpMode = False
RollUpState = False
NumGlyphs = 1
Spacing = 2
Caption = 'bsSkinPanel1'
Align = alTop
OnResize = bsSkinPanel1Resize
object bsSkinGroupBox1: TbsSkinGroupBox
Left = 105
Top = 1
Width = 104
Height = 260
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'groupbox'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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AutoEnabledControls = True
CheckedMode = False
Checked = False
DefaultAlignment = taLeftJustify
DefaultCaptionHeight = 22
BorderStyle = bvFrame
CaptionMode = True
RollUpMode = False
RollUpState = False
NumGlyphs = 1
Spacing = 2
Caption = #23458#25143#23545#24080
Align = alLeft
object bsSkinButton1: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 45
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#20986#21475#24212#20184
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton1Click
object bsSkinButton2: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 23
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 1
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#20986#21475#24212#25910
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton2Click
object bsSkinButton4: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 111
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 2
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#20986#21475#24212#25910
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton4Click
object bsSkinButton5: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 133
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 3
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#20986#21475#24212#20184
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton5Click
object bsSkinButton6: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 155
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 4
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
DefaultFont.Height = 14
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DefaultFont.Style = []
DefaultWidth = 0
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#36827#21475#24212#25910
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton6Click
object bsSkinButton30: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 67
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 5
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
DefaultFont.Height = 14
DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial'
DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#36827#21475#24212#25910
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton30Click
object bsSkinButton32: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 89
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 6
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
DefaultFont.Height = 14
DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial'
DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#36827#21475#24212#20184
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton32Click
object bsSkinButton11: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 177
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 7
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
DefaultFont.Height = 14
DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial'
DefaultFont.Style = []
DefaultWidth = 0
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#36827#21475#24212#20184
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton11Click
object bsSkinButton71: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 199
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 8
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
DefaultFont.Height = 14
DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial'
DefaultFont.Style = []
DefaultWidth = 0
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #23458#25143#32508#21512#23545#36134
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton71Click
object bsSkinGroupBox2: TbsSkinGroupBox
Left = 209
Top = 1
Width = 104
Height = 260
TabOrder = 1
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'groupbox'
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RollUpMode = False
RollUpState = False
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Caption = #27424#36153#20998#26512
Align = alLeft
object bsSkinButton8: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 23
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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OnClick = bsSkinButton8Click
object bsSkinButton10: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 67
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 1
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#20986#21475#27424#36153
NumGlyphs = 2
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OnClick = bsSkinButton10Click
object bsSkinButton13: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 89
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 2
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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Caption = #31354#36816#36827#21475#27424#36153
NumGlyphs = 2
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OnClick = bsSkinButton13Click
object bsSkinButton36: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 45
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 3
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#36827#21475#27424#36153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton36Click
object bsSkinButton16: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 133
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 4
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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TabStop = True
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Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #27424#36153#32508#21512#20998#26512
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton16Click
object bsSkinButton9: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 155
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 5
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #27424#36153#36208#21183#20998#26512
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton9Click
object bsSkinButton80: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 199
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 6
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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RepeatInterval = 100
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TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #36229#26399#24212#25910#36153#29992
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton80Click
object bsSkinButton75: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 111
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 7
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #30417#31649#36710#19994#21153#27424#36153
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton75Click
object bsSkinButton72: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 177
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 8
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #36153#29992#20998#32452#32508#21512#20998#26512
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton72Click
object bsSkinButton79: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 221
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 9
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
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TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #27424#36153#26376#24230#20998#26512
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton79Click
object bsSkinGroupBox4: TbsSkinGroupBox
Left = 1
Top = 1
Width = 104
Height = 260
TabOrder = 2
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'groupbox'
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Checked = False
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CaptionMode = True
RollUpMode = False
RollUpState = False
NumGlyphs = 1
Spacing = 2
Caption = #19994#21153#21488#24080
Align = alLeft
object bsSkinButton15: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 23
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#20986#21475#21488#24080
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton15Click
object bsSkinButton17: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 67
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 1
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#36827#21475#21488#24080
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton17Click
object bsSkinButton18: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 89
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 2
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#20986#21475#21488#24080
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton18Click
object bsSkinButton28: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 133
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 3
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #19994#21153#32508#21512#21488#24080
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton28Click
object bsSkinButton34: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 111
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 4
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#36827#21475#21488#24080
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton34Click
object bsSkinButton12: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 45
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 5
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#25340#31665#21488#24080
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton12Click
object bsSkinButton33: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 155
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 6
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #36153#29992#20462#25913#32479#35745
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton33Click
object bsSkinGroupBox5: TbsSkinGroupBox
Left = 313
Top = 1
Width = 104
Height = 260
TabOrder = 3
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'groupbox'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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AutoEnabledControls = True
CheckedMode = False
Checked = False
DefaultAlignment = taLeftJustify
DefaultCaptionHeight = 22
BorderStyle = bvFrame
CaptionMode = True
RollUpMode = False
RollUpState = False
NumGlyphs = 1
Spacing = 2
Caption = #24080#40836#20998#26512
Align = alLeft
object bsSkinButton22: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 23
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#20986#21475#24080#40836
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton22Click
object bsSkinButton24: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 45
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 1
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#36827#21475#24080#40836
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton24Click
object bsSkinButton7: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 67
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 2
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#20986#21475#24080#40836
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton7Click
object bsSkinButton38: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 89
Width = 102
Height = 20
TabOrder = 3
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#36827#21475#24080#40836
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton38Click
object bsSkinButton40: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 109
Width = 102
Height = 22
TabOrder = 4
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #24080#40836#32508#21512#20998#26512
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton40Click
object bsSkinButton78: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 131
Width = 102
Height = 25
TabOrder = 5
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #23458#25143#20449#35465#35780#20215
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton78Click
object bsSkinGroupBox6: TbsSkinGroupBox
Left = 417
Top = 1
Width = 178
Height = 260
TabOrder = 4
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'groupbox'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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AutoEnabledControls = True
CheckedMode = False
Checked = False
DefaultAlignment = taLeftJustify
DefaultCaptionHeight = 22
BorderStyle = bvFrame
CaptionMode = True
RollUpMode = False
RollUpState = False
NumGlyphs = 1
Spacing = 2
Caption = #19994#21153#21457#31080
Align = alClient
object bsSkinButton19: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 23
Width = 176
Height = 22
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#20986#21475#21457#31080
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton19Click
object bsSkinButton20: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 45
Width = 176
Height = 22
TabOrder = 1
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #28023#36816#36827#21475#21457#31080
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton20Click
object bsSkinButton21: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 67
Width = 176
Height = 22
TabOrder = 2
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#20986#21475#21457#31080
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton21Click
object bsSkinButton26: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 89
Width = 176
Height = 22
TabOrder = 3
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #31354#36816#36827#21475#21457#31080
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton26Click
object bsSkinButton41: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 111
Width = 176
Height = 22
TabOrder = 4
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
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DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #21457#31080#32508#21512#20998#26512
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton41Click
object bsSkinButton3: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 133
Width = 176
Height = 22
TabOrder = 5
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
DefaultFont.Height = 14
DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial'
DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #36130#21153#21457#31080#32479#35745
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton3Click
object bsSkinButton67: TbsSkinButton
Left = 1
Top = 155
Width = 176
Height = 25
TabOrder = 6
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText
DefaultFont.Height = 14
DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial'
DefaultFont.Style = []
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UseSkinFont = True
RepeatMode = False
RepeatInterval = 100
AllowAllUp = False
TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #21457#31080#20998#31867#32479#35745
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
Align = alTop
OnClick = bsSkinButton67Click