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118 lines
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12 months ago
* @class Ext.ux.CheckColumn
* @extends Ext.grid.column.Column
* A Header subclass which renders a checkbox in each column cell which toggles the truthiness of the associated data field on click.
* Example usage:
* // create the grid
* var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
* ...
* columns: [{
* text: 'Foo',
* ...
* },{
* xtype: 'checkcolumn',
* text: 'Indoor?',
* dataIndex: 'indoor',
* width: 55
* }]
* ...
* });
* In addition to toggling a Boolean value within the record data, this
* class adds or removes a css class <tt>'x-grid-checked'</tt> on the td
* based on whether or not it is checked to alter the background image used
* for a column.
Ext.define('Ext.ux.CheckColumn', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.column.Column',
alias: 'widget.checkcolumn',
* @cfg {Boolean} [stopSelection=true]
* Prevent grid selection upon mousedown.
stopSelection: true,
tdCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-cell-checkcolumn',
constructor: function() {
* @event beforecheckchange
* Fires when before checked state of a row changes.
* The change may be vetoed by returning `false` from a listener.
* @param {Ext.ux.CheckColumn} this CheckColumn
* @param {Number} rowIndex The row index
* @param {Boolean} checked True if the box is to be checked
* @event checkchange
* Fires when the checked state of a row changes
* @param {Ext.ux.CheckColumn} this CheckColumn
* @param {Number} rowIndex The row index
* @param {Boolean} checked True if the box is now checked
* @private
* Process and refire events routed from the GridView's processEvent method.
processEvent: function(type, view, cell, recordIndex, cellIndex, e, record, row) {
var me = this,
key = type === 'keydown' && e.getKey(),
mousedown = type == 'mousedown';
if (mousedown || (key == e.ENTER || key == e.SPACE)) {
var dataIndex = me.dataIndex,
checked = !record.get(dataIndex);
// Allow apps to hook beforecheckchange
if (me.fireEvent('beforecheckchange', me, recordIndex, checked) !== false) {
record.set(dataIndex, checked);
me.fireEvent('checkchange', me, recordIndex, checked);
// Mousedown on the now nonexistent cell causes the view to blur, so stop it continuing.
if (mousedown) {
// Selection will not proceed after this because of the DOM update caused by the record modification
// Invoke the SelectionModel unless configured not to do so
if (!me.stopSelection) {
row: recordIndex,
column: cellIndex
// Prevent the view from propagating the event to the selection model - we have done that job.
return false;
} else {
// Prevent the view from propagating the event to the selection model if configured to do so.
return !me.stopSelection;
} else {
return me.callParent(arguments);
// Note: class names are not placed on the prototype bc renderer scope
// is not in the header.
renderer : function(value){
var cssPrefix = Ext.baseCSSPrefix,
cls = [cssPrefix + 'grid-checkheader'];
if (value) {
cls.push(cssPrefix + 'grid-checkheader-checked');
return '<div class="' + cls.join(' ') + '"> </div>';