FastReport.Web A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Represents the Web Report. Sets custom class for checking the report script. Switches a visibility of RTF export in toolbar. Gets or sets the quality of Jpeg images in RTF file. Default value is 90. This property will be used if you select Jpeg in the property. Gets or sets the image format that will be used to save pictures in RTF file. Default value is Metafile. This format is better for exporting such objects as MSChartObject and ShapeObject. Gets or sets a value indicating that pictures are enabled. Gets or sets a value indicating that page breaks are enabled. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the wysiwyg mode should be used for better results. Gets or sets the creator of the document. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the rows in the resulting table should calculate its height automatically. Switches a visibility of MHT (web-archive) export in toolbar. Gets or sets a value indicating that pictures are enabled. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the wysiwyg mode should be used for better results. Switches a visibility of Open Office Spreadsheet (ODS) export in toolbar. Gets or sets a value indicating that page breaks are enabled. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the wysiwyg mode should be used for better results. Gets or sets the creator of the document. Switches a visibility of Open Office Text (ODT) export in toolbar Gets or sets a value indicating that page breaks are enabled. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the wysiwyg mode should be used for better results. Gets or sets the creator of the document. Switches a visibility of XPS export in toolbar. Switches a visibility of DBF export in toolbar. Switches a visibility of Word 2007 export in toolbar. Enable or disable a matrix view of Word 2007 document. Enable or disable the WYSIWYG for Word 2007 document. Enable or disable a paragraph view of Word 2007 document. Enable or disable the print optimized images in Word 2007 document. Gets or sets a value of RowHeightIs Word 2007 document. Switches a visibility of Excel 2007 export in toolbar. Gets or sets a value indicating that page breaks are enabled. Gets or sets a value indicating that table without breaks are enabled. Enable or disable the print optimized images in Excel 2007 document. Enable or disable the Print Fit in Excel 2007 document. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the wysiwyg mode should be used for better results. Enable or disable an exporting data without any header/group bands. Enable or disable the Print Fit in Excel 2007 document. Switches a visibility of PowerPoint 2007 export in toolbar. Gets or sets an image format that will be used to save pictures in PowerPoint file. Switches a visibility of XML (Excel) export in toolbar. Gets or sets a value indicating that page breaks are enabled. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the wysiwyg mode should be used for better results. Enable or disable an exporting data without any header/group bands. Switches a visibility of PDF (Adobe Acrobat) export in toolbar. Enable or disable an embedding the TrueType fonts. Enable or disable an export text in curves. Enable or disable an exporting of the background in PDF. Enable or disable the Intercative Forms inside PDF. Enable or disable an optimization the images for printing. Enable or disable a document's Outline. Enable or disable a displaying document's title. Enable or disable a hiding the toolbar. Enable or disable a hiding the menu's bar. Enable or disable a hiding the Windows UI. Enable or disable a fitting the window. Enable or disable a centering the window. Enable or disable a scaling the page for shrink to printable area. Sets the Title of the document. Sets the Author of the document. Sets the Subject of the document. Sets the Keywords of the document. Sets the Creator of the document. Sets the Producer of the document. Sets the users password. Sets the owners password. Enable or disable a printing in protected document. Enable or disable a modifying in protected document. Enable or disable a copying in protected document. Enable or disable an annotating in protected document. Enable or disable the PDF/A document. Enable or disable a showing of Print Dialog. Enable or disable the Images Original Resolution. Enable or disable the Jpeg Compression. Select a color space (RGB or CMYK) Switch visibility the CSV (comma separated values) export in toolbar. Gets or sets the cells separator. Enable or disable an exporting data without any header/group bands. Switch a visibility of prepared report export in toolbar Switch a visibility of text (plain text) export in toolbar Enable or disable an exporting data without any header/group bands. Gets or sets a value indicating that page breaks are enabled. Enable or disable the frames in text file. Enable or disable the simple (non graphic) frames in text file. Enable or disable an empty lines in text file. Exports in CSV format. Exports in CSV format. Exports in Text format. Exports in Text format. Exports in DBF format. Exports in DBF format. Exports in PDF format. Exports in PDF format. Exports in PDF format. Exports in PDF format inline. Exports in HTML format inline. Exports in RTF format. Exports in RTF format. Exports in MHT format. Exports in MHT format. Exports in XML (Excel 2003) format. Exports in XML (Excel 2003) format. Exports in Open Office Spreadsheet format. Exports in Open Office Spreadsheet format. Exports in Open Office Text format. Exports in Open Office Text format. Exports in XPS format. Exports in XPS format. Exports in Excel 2007 format. Exports in Excel 2007 format. Exports in Word 2007 format. Exports in Word 2007 format. Exports in PowerPoint 2007 format. Exports in PowerPoint 2007 format. Exports in prepared report. Exports in prepared report. Prints in Adobe Acrobat. Prints in Adobe Acrobat. Prints in Adobe Acrobat. Prints in Adobe Acrobat. Prints in browser. Prints in browser. Used only if layers mode is off Used only if layers mode is off Enable or disable inline object registration Enable or disable using of external jQuery library Enable or disable layers mode visualisation Gets or sets Padding of Report section Timeout in seconds for automatic refresh of report. Zero value disable auto-refresh. Delay in cache in minutes Priority of items in cache Enable or disable the multiple instances environment Enable the Report Designer Enable code editor in the Report Designer Gets or sets path to the Report Designer Gets or sets path to a folder for save designed reports If value is empty then designer posts saved report in variable ReportFile on call the DesignerSaveCallBack Gets or sets path to callback page after Save from Designer Gets or sets the locale of Designer Gets or sets the text of configuration of Online Designer Report Resource String. Gets or sets report data source(s). To pass several datasources, use ';' delimiter, for example: "sqlDataSource1;sqlDataSource2" Switches the pictures visibility in report Enables or disables embedding pictures in HTML (inline HTML5 images). Switches the pages layout between multiple pages (false) and single page (true). Gets or sets the name of report file. Gets or sets the default path for reports (including inherited). Gets or sets the name of localization file. Sets the zoom scale factor of previewed page between 0..1f. Sets the zoom mode of previewed page. Enables or disables showing the report after call Prepare. Enables or disables showing any debug information on errors. Gets or sets the log file path. Enables or disables unlimited width of report pages. This options overrides the report page property value when it set to true. Enables or disables unlimited height of report pages. This options overrides the report page property value when it set to true. Enables or disables showing the report dialogs. Sets the toolbar style - small or large. Sets the toolbar icons style. Sets the toolbar background style. Switches the toolbar visibility. Switches the bottom toolbar visibility. Sets the path to the custom buttons on site. Pictures should be named: Checkbox.gif, Progress.gif, toolbar.png, toolbar_background.png, toolbar_big.png, toolbar_disabled.png, toolbar_disabled.png Switches the visibility of Exports in toolbar. Switches the visibility of Print button in toolbar. Switches the visibility of First Button in toolbar. Switches the visibility of Previous Button in toolbar. Switches the visibility of Next Button in toolbar. Switches the visibility of Last Button in toolbar. Switches the visibility of Zoom in toolbar. Switches the visibility of Refresh in toolbar. Switches the visibility of Page Number in toolbar. Switches the visibility of closing buttons for Tabs. Switches the visibility of Back buttons. Selects the position of tabs. Sets the Toolbar background color. Switches the outline visibility. Enable or disable print in PDF. Enable or disable print in browser. Sets the width of print window. Sets the height of print window. Direct access to the Properties of report object. Direct access to the Tabs. Gets or sets the current tab index. Gets the current tab. Enables the preview mode for working together the Online Designer. Direct access to Report object. Gets total pages of current report. Gets or sets current state of report. Returns true when report done. This property may be set in true for forcing load the prepared report. Gets or sets number of current page. Gets or sets guid of report. Gets or sets the request headers. Gets or sets the response headers. Occurs when report execution is started. Occurs when designed report saving is started. Occurs when report drawing is started. Occurs when report auth is started. Runs the OnCustomDraw event. CustomDrawEventArgs object. Runs the OnCustomAuth event. CustomAuthEventArgs object. Runs the StartReport event. EventArgs object. Runs the SaveDesignedReport event. SaveDesignedReportEventArgs object. Forces going to the next report page. Forces going to the previous report page. Forces going to the first report page. Forces going to the last report page. Forces going to the "value" report page. Prepares the report. Forces refreshing of report. Adds the new report tab. Adds the new report tab. Adds the new report tab. Adds the new report tab. Registers the ASP.NET application data to use it in the report. The Report object. The application data. The name of the data. Registers the ASP.NET application data to use it in the report. The Report object. The application data. The name of the data. Returns the HTML code of report preview control. HtmlString object. Returns the code "" for registration the necessary js libraries. HtmlString object. Returns the code for registration the necessary CSS. HtmlString object. Sets the size of WebReport object. Width of WebReport. Height of WebReport. WebReport object. Sets the StartReport event handler. Event handler. WebReport object. Sets the CustomDraw event handler. Event handler. WebReport object. Sets the CustomAuth event handler. Event handler. WebReport object. Register the DataSet in report dictionary. DataSet object. Name for the registered data. WebReport object. Registers the DataRelation in report dictionary. DataRelation object. Name for the registered data. WebReport object. Register the DataSet in report dictionary. DataSet object. WebReport object. Registers the DataTable in report dictionary. DataTable object. Name for the registered data. WebReport object. Registers the DataView in report dictionary. DataView object. Name for the registered data. WebReport object. Registers the IEnumerable in report dictionary. IEnumerable data. Name for the registered data. WebReport object. Loads the report from file. File Name. WebReport object. Loads the report from stream. Stream object. WebReport object. Loads the prepared report from file. Also the property will be enabled and will be disabled. File Name. WebReport object. Loads the prepared report from stream. Also the property will be enabled and will be disabled. Stream object. WebReport object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Enable registration of JS/CSS footprint inline. Initializes a new instance of the class. Enable registration of JS/CSS footprint inline. Creates the control with 100% width and height. Gets the stream with serialized properties data. Stream object. Gets the stream with serialized report data. Stream object. Gets the stream with serialized prepared report data. Stream object. Loads the serialized properties data from stream. Stream object. Loads the serialized report data from stream. Stream object. Loads the serialized prepared report data from stream. Stream object. Gets or sets date time format in jqueryui datepicker style Interface for overriding the standard check of the report script Method for checking the report script Report script language Report script Referenced assemblies Report Returns true if the report passed the validation check Web handler class Web handler class You will need to configure this handler in the web.config file of your web and register it with IIS before being able to use it. For more information see the following link: Process Request Class for export item description Report ID Binary data of exported files Name of exported file Format of exported file MIME type of exported file Represents the static class WebReportGlobals with necessary methods for using in MVC environment. Returns the code for registration the necessary scripts with jQuery. HtmlString object. Returns the code for registration the necessary scripts without jQuery. HtmlString object. Returns the code for registration the necessary CSS. HtmlString object. Returns the code for registration the necessary CSS without jQuery styles. HtmlString object. Returns the string with code for registration the necessary scripts with jQuery. String object. Returns the string with code for registration the necessary scripts without jQuery. String object. Returns the string with code for registration the necessary CSS with jQuery. String object. Returns the string with code for registration the necessary CSS without jQuery. String object. Tab position enum. Tabs inside toolbar. Tabs under toolbar. Tabs are hidden. Event arguments for custom auth. Gets or sets the HttpContext value. Gets or sets the auth passed value. Event arguments for Save report from Designer. Contain the stream with designed report. Zoom mode enum Report states enum. WebReport Properies class. "mm/dd/yy" Enable or disable showing of Print Dialog Assigns another object values. Describes sizes of Toolbar enum Small size toolbar Big size toolbar Toolbar Icons Styles Red Icons Green Icons Blue Icons Black Icons Custom Icons Toolbar Background Styles. Transparent background. Light background. Medium dark background. Dark background. Custom background. Web Toolbar Gets or sets the background color. Gets or sets current tab index Enable or disable fitting Report properties Current report Registration of scripts and styles in ClientScript Gets Inline Registration as string Gets CSS of toolbar Constructor of WebToolbar Contain the filename of httphandler Determines whether the path is an absolute physical path. The path to check. true if the path is absolute physical path. Returns the HTML color representation; Check http handlers in web.config Add http handlers in web.config IE8 and older browsers detection. Add NoCache haders in Context.Reponse Converts Color in HTML format with transparency.