using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using MySqlX.XDevAPI.Common; namespace Myshipping.Application.EDI.YT { public class YTEdiHelper { public YTEdiHelper() { } #region 基本函数 public static string GetBillNum2(string str) { if (str == "ZERO") return "00"; if (str == "ONE") return "01"; if (str == "TWO") return "02"; if (str == "THREE") return "03"; if (str == "FOUR") return "04"; if (str == "FIVE") return "05"; if (str == "SIX") return "06"; if (str == "SERVEN") return "07"; if (str == "EIGHT") return "08"; if (str == "NINE") return "09"; if (str == "TEN") return "10"; else return ""; } public static string GetDateStr(string datestr, string dateformat) { var result = ""; if (datestr == null || datestr == "") { result = ""; } else { result = Convert.ToDateTime(datestr).ToString(dateformat); } return result; } #region 判断中文字符 public static bool IsChinese(char c) { return (int)c > 0x80; } public static bool StringIsChinese(string str) { var result = false; for (int i = 1; i < str.Length; i++) { if (IsChinese(str[i])) { result = true; return result; } } for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { string stemp = str.Substring(i, 1); int ilen = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetByteCount(stemp); if (ilen == 2) { result = true; return result; } } return result; } #endregion public static string formatListStr(List DestList, int lineCount, bool isformat = false) { var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { if (DestList.Count > i) { if (isformat) result = result + formatEdiStr("txt", DestList[i]); else result = result + DestList[i]; } if (i != (lineCount - 1)) result = result + ":"; } return result; } #region 文本字段判断每行是否符合 /// /// edi 文本格式处理判断(例如:1行35个字符不超过5行) /// /// 文件类型(例如:txt、xml) /// 要处理的数据 /// 每行长度 /// 主提单号 /// 数据类型(例如:发货人内容、货描等) /// 限制录入的行数(“0”代表不限制) /// 限录后多出的放到货描中的数据的连接符(例如:“*”发货人内容、“**”收件人等) /// public static System.String formatlengthError(string fileType, string str, int length, string sMBLNO, string sType, int rowNum, string sSymbol, bool isHuoMiao) { string error = ""; string Shipping = str; if (fileType == "txt") { Shipping = formatEdiStr("txt", str); } else if (fileType == "xml") { Shipping = formatEdiStr("txt", str); } string[] argAGENT = Shipping.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (argAGENT.Length > 0) { if (argAGENT.Length == 1) { argAGENT = Shipping.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (argAGENT.Length > 0) { if (argAGENT.Length > rowNum && rowNum != 0) { if (isHuoMiao) { error = error + "
提单号:" + sMBLNO + " " + sType + " 不允许录入超过" + rowNum + "行数据!"; } else { error = error + "
提单号:" + sMBLNO + " " + sType + " 不允许录入超过" + rowNum + "行数据,多余信息请手动以“" + sSymbol + "”号开头放到货物描述中!(例如:“货描内容" + sSymbol + "超出部分”)"; } } for (int j = 0; j < argAGENT.Length; j++) { //List AgentList = formatlengthStr(argAGENT[j].ToString(), 35); if (argAGENT[j].ToString().Length > length) { error = error + "
提单号:" + sMBLNO + " " + sType + " 第" + (j + 1) + "行超过" + length + "个字符"; } } } } else { if (argAGENT.Length > rowNum && rowNum != 0) { if (isHuoMiao) { error = error + "
提单号:" + sMBLNO + " " + sType + " 不允许录入超过" + rowNum + "行数据!"; } else { error = error + "
提单号:" + sMBLNO + " " + sType + " 不允许录入超过" + rowNum + "行数据,多余信息请手动以“" + sSymbol + "”号开头放到货物描述中!(例如:“货描内容" + sSymbol + "超出部分”)"; } } for (int j = 0; j < argAGENT.Length; j++) { //List AgentList = formatlengthStr(argAGENT[j].ToString(), 35); if (argAGENT[j].ToString().Length > length) { error = error + "
提单号:" + sMBLNO + " " + sType + " 第" + (j + 1) + "行超过" + length + "个字符"; } } } } return error; } #endregion #region 字符转义 /// /// 各种文本转义字符 /// /// 文件类型(例如:txt、xml) /// 文本字符串 /// public static string formatEdiStr(string fileType, string str) { if (fileType == "txt") { return str.Replace("?", "??").Replace(":", "?:").Replace("+", "?+").Replace("'", "?'"); } else if (fileType == "xml") { return str.Replace("&", "&").Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">").Replace("\"", """).Replace("'", "'"); } else if (fileType == "sitc") { return str.Replace("?", "??").Replace(":", "?:").Replace("'", "?'"); } else { return str; } } #endregion #region 格式化每行 public static List formatlengthStr(string str, int length, bool formatstr = false, bool nodelsp = false) { str = str.Replace("\r\n", "\\"); str = str.Replace("\n", "\\"); str = str.Replace("\r", " "); string[] StrList = str.Split('\\'); var strtemp = ""; var strnewline = ""; var strtempnewline = ""; char[] spstring = { ' ', ';', ',', '.', ':', '/', '(', ')', '?', '+', '-' }; List DestList = new List(); for (var i = 0; i <= StrList.Length - 1; i++) { if (StrList[i].Length <= length) { if (formatstr) DestList.Add(formatEdiStr("txt", StrList[i])); else DestList.Add(StrList[i]); } else { strtemp = StrList[i] + " "; strtempnewline = ""; strnewline = ""; for (var j = 0; j < strtemp.Length; j++) { strtempnewline = strtempnewline + strtemp[j]; if (strtemp[j] == ' ' || strtemp[j] == ':' || strtemp[j] == ',' || strtemp[j] == '.' || strtemp[j] == ':' || strtemp[j] == '/' || strtemp[j] == '?' || strtemp[j] == ')' || strtemp[j] == '}' || strtemp[j] == '+' || strtemp[j] == '-') { if ((strnewline.Length + strtempnewline.Length) <= length) strnewline = strnewline + strtempnewline; else { if (formatstr) DestList.Add(formatEdiStr("txt", strnewline)); else DestList.Add(strnewline); strnewline = strtempnewline; } strtempnewline = ""; } } if (nodelsp) { if (formatstr) DestList.Add(formatEdiStr("txt", strnewline)); else DestList.Add(strnewline); } else if (strnewline.Trim() != "") { if (formatstr) DestList.Add(formatEdiStr("txt", strnewline)); else DestList.Add(strnewline); } } } return DestList; } #endregion #endregion #region 检查 public static string IsCreateYTEDI(EDIBaseModel InttrEdi) { var error = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(InttrEdi.SENDCODE)) { error = error + "
发送方代码不能为空"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(InttrEdi.SENDNAME)) { error = error + "
发送方名称不能为空"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(InttrEdi.RECEIVECODE)) { error = error + "
接收方代码不能为空"; } //if (InttrEdi.filetype == "B") //{ // if (InttrEdi.UseForWarderCode) // { // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(InttrEdi.ForWarderCode)) // { error = error + "
货代代码不能为空"; } // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(InttrEdi.ForWarderName)) // { error = error + "
货代称呼不能为空"; } // } //} foreach (var headData in InttrEdi.BSLIST) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.MBLNO)) { error = error + "
主提单号不能为空"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.BLFRT)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 付费方式不能为空"; } if (InttrEdi.filetype == "E") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.VESSEL)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 船名不能为空"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.VOYNO)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 航次不能为空"; } if (InttrEdi.filetype != "B" || headData.CARRIEREDICODE == "YML") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.ETD)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 开船日期不能为空"; return error; } } } if (headData.CARRIEREDICODE != "ZIM") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.PLACERECEIPTID) || headData.PLACERECEIPTID.Length != 5) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 收货地代码不能为空或录入不正确(必须是5位代码)"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.PLACERECEIPT)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 收货地不能为空"; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.PORTLOADID) || headData.PORTLOADID.Length != 5) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 装货港代码不能为空或录入不正确(必须是5位代码)"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.PORTLOAD)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 装货港不能为空"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.PORTDISCHARGEID) || headData.PORTDISCHARGEID.Length != 5) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 卸货港代码不能为空或录入不正确(必须是5位代码)"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.PORTDISCHARGE)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 卸货港不能为空"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.PLACEDELIVERY) || headData.PLACEDELIVERYID.Length != 5) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 交货地代码不能为空或录入不正确(必须是5位代码)"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.PLACEDELIVERY)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 交货地不能为空"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.DESTINATION)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.DESTINATIONID) || headData.DESTINATIONID.Length != 5) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 目的地代码不能为空或录入不正确(必须是5位代码)"; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.KINDPKGS_EDI_CODE)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 包装EDI代码不能为空"; } if (headData.PKGS == 0) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 件数不能为0"; } if (headData.KGS == 0) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 毛重不能为0"; } if (headData.CBM == 0) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 尺码不能为0"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.CARGOID)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 货物标识不能为空"; } if (headData.CARGOID == "D") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.DCLASS)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 危险品分类不能为空"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.DUNNO)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 危险品编号不能为空"; } } if (headData.CARGOID == "R") { if (headData.TEMPSET == null || headData.TEMPSET == "") { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 设置温度不能为空"; } if (headData.REEFERF == null || headData.REEFERF == "") { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 通风度不能为空"; } } if (headData.ISSUEPLACE == null || headData.ISSUEPLACE == "") { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + "签单地点不能为空"; } if (headData.CARRIEREDICODE == "APL") if (headData.ISSUETYPE == null || headData.ISSUETYPE == "") { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + "签单方式不能为空"; } if (headData.SERVICE == "" || headData.SERVICE == null) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + "运输条款不能为空"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.MARKS)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 唛头不能为空"; } else { if (StringIsChinese(headData.MARKS)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 唛头含有中文或双字节字符"; } else { error += formatlengthError("txt", headData.MARKS, 35, headData.MBLNO, "唛头", 0, "", false); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.DESCRIPTION)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 货物描述不能为空"; } else { if (StringIsChinese(headData.DESCRIPTION)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 货物描述含有中文或双字节字符"; } else { //error += formatlengthError("txt", bill.DESCRIPTION, 35, bill.MBLNO, "货物描述", 0, ""); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.SHIPPER)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 发货人不能为空"; } else { if (StringIsChinese(headData.SHIPPER)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 发货人含有中文或双字节字符"; } else { if (headData.CARRIEREDICODE == "HLCU") { error += formatlengthError("txt", headData.SHIPPER, 35, headData.MBLNO, "发货人", 6, "-", false); } else { error += formatlengthError("txt", headData.SHIPPER, 35, headData.MBLNO, "发货人", 6, "*", false); } } } //} if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.CONSIGNEE)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 收货人不能为空"; } else { if (StringIsChinese(headData.CONSIGNEE)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 收货人含有中文或双字节字符"; } else { if (headData.CARRIEREDICODE == "HLCU") { error += formatlengthError("txt", headData.CONSIGNEE, 35, headData.MBLNO, "收货人", 6, "--", false); } else { error += formatlengthError("txt", headData.CONSIGNEE, 35, headData.MBLNO, "收货人", 6, "**", false); } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.NOTIFYPARTY)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 通知人不能为空"; } else { if (StringIsChinese(headData.NOTIFYPARTY)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 通知人含有中文或双字节字符"; } else { if (headData.CARRIEREDICODE == "HLCU") { error += formatlengthError("txt", headData.NOTIFYPARTY, 35, headData.MBLNO, "通知人", 6, "---", false); } else { error += formatlengthError("txt", headData.NOTIFYPARTY, 35, headData.MBLNO, "通知人", 6, "***", false); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.NOTIFYPARTY2)) { error += formatlengthError("txt", headData.NOTIFYPARTY2, 35, headData.MBLNO, "第二通知人", 5, "", false); } var ctnlist = headData.CTNLIST; if (ctnlist.Count == 0) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 集装箱信息不能为空"; }; #region 集装箱判断检查 if (ctnlist.Count != 0) { Decimal dlPKGS = 0; Decimal dlKGS = 0; Decimal dlCBM = 0; foreach (var ctn in ctnlist) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctn.CTNALLCODE)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 集装箱箱型EDI代码不能为空"; } if ((ctn.CTNALLCODE.IndexOf("RH") > 0 || ctn.CTNALLCODE.IndexOf("RF") > 0) && (headData.CARGOID != "R")) { { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 集装箱箱型为冻柜,货类代码请选择冻柜"; } } if (InttrEdi.filetype == "E") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctn.CNTRNO)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 箱号不能为空"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctn.SEALNO)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 封号不能为空"; } if (ctn.KINDPKGS != headData.KINDPKGS) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 中的包装类型与集装箱的包装类型不同"; } dlPKGS += Convert.ToDecimal(ctn.PKGS); dlKGS += Convert.ToDecimal(ctn.KGS); dlCBM += Convert.ToDecimal(ctn.CBM); } } if (InttrEdi.filetype == "E") { if (dlPKGS != Convert.ToDecimal(headData.PKGS)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 集装箱件数合计数必须等于委托单总件数"; } if (dlKGS != Convert.ToDecimal(headData.KGS)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 集装箱重量合计数必须等于委托单总重量数"; } if (dlCBM != Convert.ToDecimal(headData.CBM)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + " 集装箱尺码合计数必须等于委托单总尺码数"; } } } if (InttrEdi.filetype == "E") { if (headData.CTNGOODSLIST != null && headData.CTNGOODSLIST.Count > 0) { foreach (var ctn in ctnlist) { var isfind = false; Int32 ctngoodssumpkgs = 0; decimal ctngoodssumkgs = 0; decimal ctngoodssumcbm = 0; headData.CTNGOODSLIST.ForEach(i => { if (i.CNTRNO == ctn.CNTRNO) { isfind = true; ctngoodssumpkgs = ctngoodssumpkgs + i.PKGS; ctngoodssumkgs = ctngoodssumkgs + i.KGS; ctngoodssumcbm = ctngoodssumcbm + i.CBM; } }); if (!isfind) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + "的“" + ctn.CNTRNO + "”未添加分箱明细!"; } else { if (ctngoodssumpkgs != Convert.ToDecimal(ctn.PKGS)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + ",箱号:" + ctn.CNTRNO + " 分箱明细件数合计数不等于集装箱件数"; } if (ctngoodssumkgs != Convert.ToDecimal(ctn.KGS)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + ",箱号:" + ctn.CNTRNO + " 分箱明细毛重合计数不等于集装箱毛重"; } if (ctngoodssumcbm != Convert.ToDecimal(ctn.CBM)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + ",箱号:" + ctn.CNTRNO + " 分箱明细尺码合计数不等于集装箱毛重"; } } } foreach (var ctngood in headData.CTNGOODSLIST) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctngood.KINDPKGS)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + ",箱号:" + ctngood.CNTRNO + " 中的分箱明细包装类型不能为空"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctngood.DESCRIPTION)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + ",箱号:" + ctngood.CNTRNO + " 中的分箱货物描述不能为空"; } else { error += formatlengthError("txt", ctngood.DESCRIPTION, 70, headData.MBLNO, "的“" + ctngood.CNTRNO + "”箱号的分箱货物描述", 0, "", false); } //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctngood.HSCODE)) //{ error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + ",箱号:" + ctngood.CNTRNO + " 中的分箱HS编码不能为空"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctngood.KINDPKGS_EDI_CODE)) { error = error + "
提单号:" + headData.MBLNO + ",箱号:" + ctngood.CNTRNO + " 中的分箱明细包装类型代码不能为空"; } } } #endregion } } return error; } #endregion #region 生成报文(订舱(filetype=="B"),截单(filetype=="E")) public static CommonWebApiResult CreateEdiYT(EDIBaseModel InttrEdi) { CommonWebApiResult result = new CommonWebApiResult { succ = false }; var filetype = "IFTMIN"; if (InttrEdi.filetype != "E") filetype = "IFTMBF"; string filename = InttrEdi.filerpath + "\\" + filetype + "_" + InttrEdi.BSLIST[0].MBLNO + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + ".txt"; //如果是部署linux需要修改路径 if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) filename = filename.Replace("\\", "/"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename)) { System.IO.File.Delete(filename); } FileStream f = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create); StreamWriter r = new StreamWriter(f, Encoding.Default); var icount = 0; var bsno = ""; var isfirst = true; foreach (var bill in InttrEdi.BSLIST) { if (isfirst) { if (InttrEdi.filetype == "E") r.WriteLine("00:IFTMIN:BOOKING:" + InttrEdi.filerole + ":" + InttrEdi.SENDCODE + ":" + InttrEdi.RECEIVECODE + ":" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + "'"); else r.WriteLine("00:IFTMBF:BOOKING:" + InttrEdi.filerole + ":" + InttrEdi.SENDCODE + ":" + InttrEdi.RECEIVECODE + ":" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + "'"); isfirst = false; icount++; } if (bill.CARRIEREDICODE == "ONEY") { var sendno = bill.EDIATTNEMAIL; if (filetype == "E") sendno = bill.AMSCODE; var MBLNO = bill.MBLNO; if (MBLNO.Substring(0, 4) == "ONEY") { MBLNO = MBLNO.Substring(4, MBLNO.Length - 4); } r.WriteLine("02" + ":" + MBLNO//2 REFERENCE NO. 运编号 X(35) 一般为流水号 M + ":" + MBLNO//3 B\L NO. 提单号 X(20) 船公司的提单号 C + ":" + bill.SERVICE//4 DELIVERY TERM 交货条款 X(9) CY-CY(pier-pier/port):30CY-CFS(pier/port-door):29CFS-CY(door-pier/port):28CFS-CFS(door-door):27 M + ":" + InttrEdi.SENDNAME//5 BOOKING PARTY 订舱人说明 X(70) 货代方企业名称或代码 C + ":ONEY" //6 ISSUE PARTY CODE 签单人代码 X(13) 即接受订舱的人的代码 M + ":"//7 ISSUE PARTY 签单人说明 X(35)   C + ":"//8 APPLICANT 询价单位 X(13) 向船公司询价的单位代码 C + ":"//9 FOB BK PARTY 国外订舱单位 X(13) 国外FOB货订舱单位的代码 C + ":"//10 B/L TRANSHIP ID 转船标识 X(1) Y/N C + ":"//11 BATCH ID 分批 X(1) Y/N C + ":"//12 SHIPMENT DATE 装期 9(8) CCYYMMDD C + ":"//13 EXPIRY DATE 效期 9(8) CCYYMMDD C + ":" + bill.CONTRACTNO//14 QUOTATION NO. 运费协议号 X(30) MAERSK为必选 C + ":"//15 CHARGE TYPE 费率本代码 X(1)   C + ":" + bill.CONTRACTNO//16 S/C NO. 合约号 X(30)   C + ":"//17 BOOKING NO. 船公司订舱编号 X(20) 船公司系统内部订舱编号 C + ":"//18 SLOT CHARTER ID 舱位互用标识 X(1)   C + ":" + sendno//19 AMS CODE AMS代码 X(15)   C //注:QUOTATION NO.项填本票订舱货的运价是通过向中集询价后定下的特殊运价编号。 + "'"); } else if (InttrEdi.filetype == "E") { r.WriteLine("02" + ":" + bill.ORDERNO//2 REFERENCE NO. 运编号 X(35) 一般为流水号 M + ":" + bill.MBLNO//3 B\L NO. 提单号 X(20) 船公司的提单号 C + ":" + bill.SERVICE//4 DELIVERY TERM 交货条款 X(9) CY-CY(pier-pier/port):30CY-CFS(pier/port-door):29CFS-CY(door-pier/port):28CFS-CFS(door-door):27 M + ":" + formatEdiStr("txt", InttrEdi.ForWarderName.Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\r", " "))//5 BOOKING PARTY 订舱人说明 X(70) 货代方企业名称或代码 C + ":" + InttrEdi.RECEIVECODE//6 ISSUE PARTY CODE 签单人代码 X(13) 即接受订舱的人的代码 M + ":"//7 ISSUE PARTY 签单人说明 X(35)   C + ":"//8 APPLICANT 询价单位 X(13) 向船公司询价的单位代码 C + ":"//9 FOB BK PARTY 国外订舱单位 X(13) 国外FOB货订舱单位的代码 C + ":"//10 B/L TRANSHIP ID 转船标识 X(1) Y/N C + ":"//11 BATCH ID 分批 X(1) Y/N C + ":"//12 SHIPMENT DATE 装期 9(8) CCYYMMDD C + ":"//13 EXPIRY DATE 效期 9(8) CCYYMMDD C + ":" + bill.CONTRACTNO//14 QUOTATION NO. 运费协议号 X(30) MAERSK为必选 C + ":"//15 CHARGE TYPE 费率本代码 X(1)   C + ":" + bill.SERVICECONTRACTNO//16 S/C NO. 合约号 X(30)   C + ":" + bill.ORDERNO//17 BOOKING NO. 船公司订舱编号 X(20) 船公司系统内部订舱编号 C + ":::"//18 SLOT CHARTER ID 舱位互用标识 X(1)   C + ":" + bill.EDIATTNEMAIL//21 AMS CODE AMS代码 X(15)   C + ":" + bill.EDIATTN//22 AMS CODE AMS代码 X(15)   C + ":" + bill.EDIATTNTEL//23 AMS CODE AMS代码 X(15)   C //注:QUOTATION NO.项填本票订舱货的运价是通过向中集询价后定下的特殊运价编号。 + "'"); } else { r.WriteLine("02" + ":" + bill.ORDERNO//2 REFERENCE NO. 运编号 X(35) 一般为流水号 M + ":" + bill.MBLNO//3 B\L NO. 提单号 X(20) 船公司的提单号 C + ":" + bill.SERVICE//4 DELIVERY TERM 交货条款 X(9) CY-CY(pier-pier/port):30CY-CFS(pier/port-door):29CFS-CY(door-pier/port):28CFS-CFS(door-door):27 M + ":" + formatEdiStr("txt", InttrEdi.ForWarderName.Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\r", " "))//5 BOOKING PARTY 订舱人说明 X(70) 货代方企业名称或代码 C + ":" + InttrEdi.RECEIVECODE//6 ISSUE PARTY CODE 签单人代码 X(13) 即接受订舱的人的代码 M + ":"//7 ISSUE PARTY 签单人说明 X(35)   C + ":"//8 APPLICANT 询价单位 X(13) 向船公司询价的单位代码 C + ":"//9 FOB BK PARTY 国外订舱单位 X(13) 国外FOB货订舱单位的代码 C + ":"//10 B/L TRANSHIP ID 转船标识 X(1) Y/N C + ":"//11 BATCH ID 分批 X(1) Y/N C + ":"//12 SHIPMENT DATE 装期 9(8) CCYYMMDD C + ":"//13 EXPIRY DATE 效期 9(8) CCYYMMDD C + ":" + bill.CONTRACTNO//14 QUOTATION NO. 运费协议号 X(30) MAERSK为必选 C + ":"//15 CHARGE TYPE 费率本代码 X(1)   C + ":" + bill.SERVICECONTRACTNO//16 S/C NO. 合约号 X(30)   C + ":" + bill.ORDERNO//17 BOOKING NO. 船公司订舱编号 X(20) 船公司系统内部订舱编号 C + ":"//18 SLOT CHARTER ID 舱位互用标识 X(1)   C + ":" + bill.EDIATTNEMAIL//21 AMS CODE AMS代码 X(15)   C + ":" + bill.EDIATTN//22 AMS CODE AMS代码 X(15)   C + ":" + bill.EDIATTNTEL//23 AMS CODE AMS代码 X(15)   C //注:QUOTATION NO.项填本票订舱货的运价是通过向中集询价后定下的特殊运价编号。 + "'"); } icount++; var ISSUETYPE = ""; if (bill.ISSUETYPE == "正本") { ISSUETYPE = "ORI"; } else if (bill.ISSUETYPE == "电放") { ISSUETYPE = "TER"; } else ISSUETYPE = "EXP"; r.WriteLine("03:" + ISSUETYPE + ":" + bill.ISSUEPLACEID.Trim() + ":" + bill.ISSUEPLACE.Trim() + ":" + GetDateStr(bill.ISSUEDATE, "yyyyMMdd") + ":" + GetBillNum2(bill.NOBILL) + ":" + bill.PREPARDAT + ":" + bill.PAYABLEAT + "'"); icount++; r.WriteLine("11:" + bill.VESSELID + ":" + bill.VESSEL + ":" + bill.VOYNO + ":::::" + GetDateStr(bill.ETD, "yyyyMMdd") + ":::::'"); icount++; var DESTINATIONID = bill.DESTINATIONID; var DESTINATION = bill.DESTINATION; if (bill.CARRIEREDICODE == "ONEY" || bill.CARRIEREDICODE == "ZIM") { DESTINATIONID = ""; DESTINATION = ""; } r.WriteLine("12" + ":" + bill.PLACERECEIPTID//2 PLACE CODE OF RECEIPT 收货地代码 X(5) OOCL、HLC的订舱要求必选 O + ":" + bill.PLACERECEIPT//3 PLACE OF RECEIPT 收货地 X(35)   C + ":" + bill.PORTLOADID//4 LOAD PORT CODE 装货港代码 X(5) OOCL的订舱要求必选 O + ":" + bill.PORTLOAD//5 LOAD PORT 装货港 X(35)   C + ":" + bill.PORTDISCHARGEID//6 DISCHARGE PORT CODE 卸货港代码 X(5) OOCL的订舱要求必选 M + ":" + bill.PORTDISCHARGE//7 DISCHARGE PORT 卸货港 X(35)   C + ":" + bill.TRANSPORTID //8 TRANSFER PORT CODE 中转港代码 X(5)   C + ":" + bill.TRANSPORT//9 TRANSFER PORT 中转港 X(35)   C + ":" + bill.PLACEDELIVERYID//10 PLACE OF DELIVERY CODE 交货地代码 X(5) OOCL的订舱要求必选 O + ":" + bill.PLACEDELIVERY//11 PLACE OF DELIVERY 交货地 X(35)   C + ":" + DESTINATIONID//12 FINAL DESTINATION CODE 目的地代码 X(5)   C + ":" + DESTINATION//13 FINAL DESTINATION CODE 目的地 X(35)   C + "'"); icount = icount + 1; r.WriteLine("14:" + bill.BLFRTEDICODE + ":" + bill.BLFRT + "'"); if (InttrEdi.filetype == "E") r.WriteLine("15:::" + bill.BLFRTEDICODE + ":" + bill.PAYABLEATID + ":::::'"); else r.WriteLine("15:::" + bill.BLFRTEDICODE + "::::::'"); icount = icount + 2; var Shipping = ""; if (InttrEdi.filetype == "E") Shipping = formatEdiStr("txt", bill.SIREMARK); else Shipping = formatEdiStr("txt", bill.EDIREMARK); List ShippingList = formatlengthStr(Shipping, 70); if (Shipping != "") { r.WriteLine("17:" + formatListStr(ShippingList, 5) + "'"); icount++; } if (InttrEdi.filetype != "E" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(bill.NVONO)) { r.WriteLine("18:NVO:" + bill.NVONO + "'"); } Shipping = formatEdiStr("txt", bill.SHIPPER); ShippingList = formatlengthStr(Shipping, 35); if (ShippingList.Count != 0 && Shipping.Length > 0) { r.WriteLine("20::" + formatListStr(ShippingList, 6) + "'"); icount = icount + 1; } Shipping = formatEdiStr("txt", bill.CONSIGNEE); ShippingList = formatlengthStr(Shipping, 35); if (ShippingList.Count != 0 && Shipping.Length > 0) { r.WriteLine("21::" + formatListStr(ShippingList, 6) + "'"); icount = icount + 1; } Shipping = formatEdiStr("txt", bill.NOTIFYPARTY); ShippingList = formatlengthStr(Shipping, 35); if (ShippingList.Count != 0 && Shipping.Length > 0) { r.WriteLine("22::" + formatListStr(ShippingList, 6) + "'"); icount = icount + 1; } Shipping = formatEdiStr("txt", bill.NOTIFYPARTY2); ShippingList = formatlengthStr(Shipping, 35); if (Shipping != "") { r.WriteLine("23::" + formatListStr(ShippingList, 6) + "'"); icount = icount + 1; } Shipping = bill.AMSCONSIGNEE; ShippingList = formatlengthStr(Shipping, 35); if (Shipping != "") { r.WriteLine("24::" + formatListStr(ShippingList, 6, true) + "'"); icount = icount + 1; } Shipping = bill.AMSNOTIFYPARTY; ShippingList = formatlengthStr(Shipping, 35); if (Shipping != "") { r.WriteLine("25::" + formatListStr(ShippingList, 6, true) + "'"); icount = icount + 1; } var cargoid = bill.CARGOID; if (cargoid == "" || cargoid == " ") cargoid = "S"; var kingweight = bill.KINGTAREWEIGHT; if (kingweight == 0) kingweight = 100; r.WriteLine("41:1:" + bill.HSCODE + ":" + cargoid + ":" + bill.PKGS.ToString() + ":" + bill.KINDPKGS_EDI_CODE + ":" + bill.KINDPKGS + ":" + kingweight.ToString() + ":" + bill.CBM.ToString() + "::::::" + bill.KGS.ToString() + ":::'"); icount = icount + 1; if (cargoid == "R") r.WriteLine("43::::::::::" + bill.REEFERF + ":C:" + bill.TEMPSET + ":" + bill.TEMPMIN + ":" + bill.TEMPMAX + ":::::'"); else if (cargoid == "D") r.WriteLine("43:" + bill.DCLASS + ":" + bill.DPAGE + ":" + bill.DUNNO + ":" + bill.DLABEL + "::::::::::::'"); icount = icount + 1; Shipping = formatEdiStr("txt", bill.MARKS); ShippingList = formatlengthStr(Shipping, 35); for (var i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDecimal(Convert.ToDecimal(ShippingList.Count) / Convert.ToDecimal(10))); i++) { var tempstr = "44:"; for (var z = 0; z < 10; z++) { if ((i * 10 + z) < ShippingList.Count) tempstr = tempstr + ShippingList[i * 10 + z]; if (z < 9) tempstr = tempstr + ":"; } if (tempstr != "44:") { r.WriteLine(tempstr + "'"); icount++; } } Shipping = formatEdiStr("txt", bill.DESCRIPTION); ShippingList = formatlengthStr(Shipping, 70); var m = 1; var strtemp = ""; if (ShippingList.Count != 0 && Shipping.Length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < ShippingList.Count; i++) { if (ShippingList[i] != "") { if (m <= 5) { if (m == 1) strtemp = "47:" + ShippingList[i] + ":"; else { if (m == 5) strtemp = strtemp + ShippingList[i]; else strtemp = strtemp + ShippingList[i] + ":"; } } else { m = 1; r.WriteLine(strtemp + "'"); strtemp = "47:" + ShippingList[i] + ":"; icount = icount + 1; } m = m + 1; } } } if (strtemp != "") { r.WriteLine(strtemp + "'"); icount = icount + 1; } var ISSOC = "N"; if (bill.ISCONTAINERSOC) ISSOC = "Y"; var ctnsumlist = new List(); foreach (var ctn in bill.CTNLIST) { var newctnsum = ctnsumlist.Find(x => x.CTNALLCODE == ctn.CTNALLCODE); if (newctnsum == null) { var ctnsum = new MsOpSeaeCtnEDIBaseModel(); ctnsum.CTNALLCODE = ctn.CTNALLCODE; ctnsum.CTNNUM = ctn.CTNNUM; if (bill.ISCONTAINERSOC && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctn.CNTRNO)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctnsum.CNTRNO)) { ctnsum.CNTRNO = ctn.CNTRNO; } else { ctnsum.CNTRNO = ctnsum.CNTRNO + "," + ctn.CNTRNO; } } ctnsumlist.Add(ctnsum); } else { newctnsum.CTNNUM = newctnsum.CTNNUM + ctn.CTNNUM; if (bill.ISCONTAINERSOC && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctn.CNTRNO)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newctnsum.CNTRNO)) { newctnsum.CNTRNO = ctn.CNTRNO; } else { newctnsum.CNTRNO = newctnsum.CNTRNO + "," + ctn.CNTRNO; } } } } foreach (var ctnsum in ctnsumlist) { if (InttrEdi.filetype == "E") { r.WriteLine("48:" + ctnsum.CTNALLCODE + ":" + ctnsum.CTNNUM + ":F:::::" + ISSOC + "'"); icount = icount + 1; } else { var cntrnostr = ""; var isrstr = "N"; if (cargoid == "R") isrstr = "Y"; r.WriteLine("48:" + ctnsum.CTNALLCODE + ":" + ctnsum.CTNNUM + ":F:::::" + ISSOC + ":" + cntrnostr + ":::" + isrstr + "'"); icount = icount + 1; } } foreach (var ctn in bill.CTNLIST) { if (InttrEdi.filetype == "E") { r.WriteLine("51:" + ctn.CNTRNO + ":" + ctn.CTNALLCODE + ":" + ctn.SEALNO + ":" + ctn.PKGS.ToString() + ":" + ctn.KGS.ToString() + "::" + ctn.CBM.ToString() + ":" + bill.EDIATTNEMAIL + "'"); icount = icount + 1; if (bill.CTNGOODSLIST != null && bill.CTNGOODSLIST.Count != 0) { foreach (var ctnhs in bill.CTNGOODSLIST) { r.WriteLine("53:" + ctnhs.HSCODE + ":" + ctnhs.PKGS.ToString() + ":" + ctnhs.KGS.ToString() + ":" + ctnhs.CBM.ToString() + ":" + ctnhs.KINDPKGS_EDI_CODE + ":" + ctnhs.KINDPKGS + "'"); icount = icount + 1; Shipping = formatEdiStr("txt", ctnhs.DESCRIPTION); ShippingList = formatlengthStr(Shipping, 70); m = 1; strtemp = ""; if (ShippingList.Count != 0 && Shipping.Length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < ShippingList.Count; i++) { if (ShippingList[i] != "") { if (m <= 5) { if (m == 1) strtemp = "54:" + ShippingList[i] + ":"; else { if (m == 5) strtemp = strtemp + ShippingList[i]; else strtemp = strtemp + ShippingList[i] + ":"; } } else { m = 1; r.WriteLine(strtemp + "'"); strtemp = "54:" + ShippingList[i] + ":"; icount = icount + 1; } m = m + 1; } } } if (strtemp != "") { r.WriteLine(strtemp + "'"); icount = icount + 1; } } } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctn.CNTRNO)) { r.WriteLine("51:" + ctn.CNTRNO + ":" + ctn.CTNALLCODE + ":" + ctn.SEALNO + ":" + ctn.PKGS.ToString() + ":" + ctn.KGS.ToString() + ":'"); icount = icount + 1; } } //} } } icount = icount + 1; r.WriteLine("99:" + icount.ToString() + "'"); r.Close(); f.Close(); result.succ = true; result.extra = filename; return result; } #endregion } }