using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Myshipping.Application
/// 马士基点对点查询船期回执
public class MSKAPISearchPoint2PointScheduleResultDto
/// 回执代码
public int code { get; set; }
/// 回执消息
public string msg { get; set; }
/// 回执代码
public MSKAPISearchPoint2PointScheduleResultDataDto data { get; set; }
public class MSKAPISearchPoint2PointScheduleResultDataDto
/// 产品id
public string carrierProductId { get; set; }
/// 产品序号
public string carrierProductSequenceId { get; set; }
/// 产品的生效日期,格式为YYYY-MM-DD
public string productValidFromDate { get; set; }
/// 产品的截止日期,格式为YYYY-MM-DD
public string productValidToDate { get; set; }
/// 产品从原产地到目的地的链接数
public string numberOfProductLinks { get; set; }
/// 产品从原产地到目的地的链接数
public List transportSchedules { get; set; }
/// 路线的详细信息
public class MSKAPISearchTransportSchedules
/// 出发时间, ISO格式
public Nullable departureDateTime { get; set; }
/// 到达时间, ISO格式
public Nullable arrivalDateTime { get; set; }
/// The details for the individual schedule
public List transportLegs { get; set; }
public string vesselOperatorCarrierCode { get; set; }
/// 路线相关数据
public class MSKAPISearchFacilities
/// 出发地港口信息
public MSKAPISearchFacilitiesCityInfo collectionOrigin { get; set; }
/// 目的地港口信息
public MSKAPISearchFacilitiesCityInfo deliveryDestination { get; set; }
/// 头程船信息
public MSKDepartureVessel firstDepartureVessel { get; set; }
/// 通过的时间,以分钟为单位
public string transitTime { get; set; }
/// 城市信息
public class MSKAPISearchFacilitiesCityInfo
/// 城市名
public string cityName { get; set; }
/// 地点的GEO ID
public string carrierSiteGeoID { get; set; }
/// 地点的名称
public string locationName { get; set; }
/// 国家代码
public string countryCode { get; set; }
/// 位置类型
public string locationType { get; set; }
/// 五字码
public string UNLocationCode { get; set; }
/// 区代码
public string UNRegionCode{ get; set; }
/// 头程船信息
public class MSKDepartureVessel
/// IMO
public string vesselIMONumber { get; set; }
/// 航次号
public string carrierVesselCode { get; set; }
/// 船名
public string vesselName { get; set; }
public class MSKTransportLegInfo
/// 出发时间, ISO格式
public Nullable departureDateTime { get; set; }
/// 到达时间, ISO格式
public Nullable arrivalDateTime { get; set; }
/// 路线相关数据
public MSKTransportLegInfoFacilities facilities { get; set; }
/// 航运信息
public MSKAPISearchTransportInfo transport { get; set; }
public class MSKTransportLegInfoFacilities
/// 出发地港口信息
public MSKAPISearchFacilitiesCityInfo startLocation { get; set; }
/// 目的地港口信息
public MSKAPISearchFacilitiesCityInfo endLocation { get; set; }
public class MSKAPISearchTransportInfo
/// 运输方式
public string transportMode { get; set; }
/// 船信息
public MSKAPISearchVesselInfo vessel { get; set; }
/// 贸易航线名称
public string carrierTradeLaneName { get; set; }
/// 航次代码
public string carrierDepartureVoyageNumber { get; set; }
/// Indicator that defines the link as a port call offered as an inducement
public string inducementLinkFlag { get; set; }
public string carrierServiceCode { get; set; }
/// 服务代码
public string carrierServiceName { get; set; }
/// 航行方向
public string linkDirection { get; set; }
/// RKST system Carrier Code as defined by A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S for the scheduled carrier
public string carrierCode { get; set; }
/// Describes the type of route link
public string routingType { get; set; }
public class MSKAPISearchVesselInfo
/// IMO号
public string vesselIMONumber { get; set; }
/// 内部船舶代码
public string carrierVesselCode { get; set; }
/// 船名
public string vesselName { get; set; }