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360 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsChFee;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using DSWeb.EntityDA;
namespace DSWebMobileService
/// <summary>
/// ChfeeAuditServer 的摘要说明
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消对下行的注释。
// [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService]
public class ChfeeAuditServer : System.Web.Services.WebService
public string HelloWorld()
return "Hello World";
public static List<MsChFee> GetDataList(string gid, string bsno, int type, string optype, string isAll, string userid, string username, string companyid)
var rangstr = GetRangDAStr(type, optype, userid, username, companyid);
var WorkFlowNameM = "FeeModifyAudit";
var WorkFlowName = "FeeRecvPayAudit";
if (optype == "op_seae")
WorkFlowNameM = "FeeModifyAudit";
WorkFlowName = "FeeRecvPayAudit";
} if (optype == "op_seai")
WorkFlowNameM = "FeeSeaiModifyAudit";
WorkFlowName = "FeeSeaiRecvPayAudit";
} if (optype == "op_aire")
WorkFlowNameM = "AireFeeModify";
WorkFlowName = "AireFeeAudit";
} if (optype == "op_airi")
WorkFlowNameM = "AiriFeeModify";
WorkFlowName = "AiriFeeAudit";
} if (optype == "op_apply")
WorkFlowNameM = "ApplyFeeModify";
WorkFlowName = "ApplyFeeAudit";
} if (optype == "op_bulk")
WorkFlowNameM = "BulkFeeModify";
WorkFlowName = "BulkFeeAudit";
} if (optype == "op_other" || optype == "tMsWlPcHead")
WorkFlowNameM = "FeeOpOtherModifyAudit";
WorkFlowName = "FeeOpOpOtherRecvPayAudit";
} if (optype == "op_railway")
WorkFlowNameM = "RailwayFeeModify";
WorkFlowName = "RailwayFeeAudit";
if (optype == "op_railway")
WorkFlowNameM = "RailwayFeeModify";
WorkFlowName = "RailwayFeeAudit";
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.Append("SELECT top 1 ");
strSql.Append("(select EnumValueName from tSysEnumValue where LangId=0 and EnumTypeID=99024 and EnumValueID=ch_fee.FeeStatus) as FeeStatus_Ref");
strSql.Append("(select EnumValueName from tSysEnumValue where LangId=0 and EnumTypeID=99020 and EnumValueID=ch_fee.FeeType) as FeeType_Ref");
strSql.Append(",(select ShowName from [user] where GID=ch_fee.EnteroPerator) as OpName");
if (isAll == "1")
strSql.Append(",dbo.[GetUsingStep](wu.WORKFLOWID,wu.currentid,'" + userid + "',wu.stepno) as IsAudit ");
strSql.Append(" from ch_fee left join workflow_using wu on wu.bsno=ch_fee.GID ");
strSql.Append(" where ch_fee.GId='" + gid + "' ");
/*if (type != 0)
strSql.Append(" and ch_fee.FeeType=" + type);
strSql.Append(" and dbo.[GetUsingStep](wu.WORKFLOWID,wu.currentid,'" + userid + "',wu.stepno)>0 and (wu.WORKFLOWID=dbo.[GetBSNOWorkFlowID]('" + WorkFlowName + "',ch_fee.GID) or wu.WORKFLOWID=dbo.[GetBSNOWorkFlowID]('" + WorkFlowNameM + "',ch_fee.GID)) ");*/
else if (isAll == "2")
strSql.Append(",0 as IsAudit ");
strSql.Append(" from ch_fee ");
strSql.Append(" where ch_fee.GId='" + gid + "' ");
/*if (type != 0)
strSql.Append(" and ch_fee.FeeType=" + type);
strSql.Append(" and ch_fee.FeeStatus=0 AND ch_fee.GID IN (select distinct billno from workflow_do where auditor='" + userid + "' ) ");*/
strSql.Append(",dbo.[GetUsingStep](wu.WORKFLOWID,wu.currentid,'" + userid + "',wu.stepno) as IsAudit ");
strSql.Append(" from ch_fee left join workflow_using wu on wu.bsno=ch_fee.GID and wu.FINISHED=0 ");
strSql.Append(" where ch_fee.GId='" + gid + "' ");
/*if (type != 0)
strSql.Append(" and ch_fee.FeeType=" + type);*/
strSql.Append(" order by sort,LineNum ");
return SetData(strSql);
private static List<MsChFee> SetData(StringBuilder strSql)
var bodyList = new List<MsChFee>();
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
MsChFee data = new MsChFee();
#region Set DB data to Object
data.GId = Convert.ToString(reader["GId"]);
data.BsNo = Convert.ToString(reader["BsNo"]);
data.FeeStatus = Convert.ToInt16(reader["FeeStatus"]);
data.FeeStatus_Ref = Convert.ToString(reader["FeeStatus_Ref"]);
data.FeeType = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["FeeType"]);
data.FeeName = Convert.ToString(reader["FeeName"]);
data.FeeDescription = Convert.ToString(reader["FeeDescription"]);
data.CustomerType = Convert.ToString(reader["CustomerType"]);
data.CustomerName = Convert.ToString(reader["CustomerName"]);
data.Unit = Convert.ToString(reader["Unit"]);
if (reader["UnitPrice"] != DBNull.Value)
data.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["UnitPrice"]);
if (reader["Quantity"] != DBNull.Value)
data.Quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Quantity"]);
if (reader["TaxRate"] != DBNull.Value)
data.TaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["TaxRate"]);
if (reader["TaxUnitPrice"] != DBNull.Value)
data.TaxUnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["TaxUnitPrice"]);
if (reader["NoTaxAmount"] != DBNull.Value)
data.NoTaxAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["NoTaxAmount"]);
data.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Amount"]);
if (reader["AccTaxRate"] != DBNull.Value)
data.AccTaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["AccTaxRate"]);
data.Currency = Convert.ToString(reader["Currency"]);
if (reader["ExChangerate"] != DBNull.Value)
data.ExChangerate = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["ExChangerate"]);
data.Reason = Convert.ToString(reader["Reason"]);
data.Remark = Convert.ToString(reader["Remark"]);
data.Commissionrate = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Commissionrate"]);
data.Settlement = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Settlement"]);
if (reader["Invoice"] != DBNull.Value)
data.Invoice = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Invoice"]);
data.OrderAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["OrderAmount"]);
data.OrderInvoice = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["OrderInvoice"]);
if (reader["SubmitDate"] != DBNull.Value)
data.SubmitDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["SubmitDate"]);
data.Auditoperator = Convert.ToString(reader["Auditoperator"]);
if (reader["AuditDate"] != DBNull.Value)
data.AuditDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["AuditDate"]);
data.EnteroPerator = Convert.ToString(reader["EnteroPerator"]);
data.OpName = Convert.ToString(reader["OpName"]);
if (reader["EnterDate"] != DBNull.Value)
data.EnterDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["EnterDate"]);
data.DebitNo = Convert.ToString(reader["DebitNo"]);
data.IsDebit = Convert.ToString(reader["IsDebit"]);
data.IsOpen = Convert.ToString(reader["IsOpen"]);
data.IsAdvancedpay = Convert.ToString(reader["IsAdvancedpay"]);
data.Sort = Convert.ToString(reader["Sort"]);
data.IsInvoice = Convert.ToString(reader["IsInvoice"]);
data.FeeFrt = Convert.ToString(reader["FeeFrt"]);
data.IsCrmOrderFee = Convert.ToString(reader["IsCrmOrderFee"]);
data.AuditStatus = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["AuditStatus"]);
data.InvoiceNum = Convert.ToString(reader["InvoiceNum"]);
data.ChequeNum = Convert.ToString(reader["ChequeNum"]);
data.WmsOutBsNo = Convert.ToString(reader["WmsOutBsNo"]);
data.LineNum = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["LineNum"]);
if (reader["IsAudit"] != DBNull.Value)
data.IsAudit = Convert.ToString(reader["IsAudit"]);
return bodyList;
public static string GetRangDAStr(int type, string optype, string userid, string username, string companyid)
string str = "";
string modustr = "";
if (type == 1)
if (optype == "op_seae")
modustr = "modRecvFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_apply")
modustr = "modApplyRecvFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_seai")
modustr = "modSeaiRecvFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_aire")
modustr = "modAireRecvFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_airi")
modustr = "modAiriRecvFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_other" || optype == "tMsWlPcHead")
modustr = "modOtherRecvFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_bulk")
modustr = "modBulkRecvFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_railway")
modustr = "modRailwayRecvFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "import_main")
modustr = "modImportTrade";
else if (type == 2)
if (optype == "op_seae")
modustr = "modPayFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_apply")
modustr = "modApplyPayFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_seai")
modustr = "modSeaiPayFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_aire")
modustr = "modAirePayFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_airi")
modustr = "modAiriPayFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_other" || optype == "tMsWlPcHead")
modustr = "modOtherPayFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_bulk")
modustr = "modBulkPayFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "op_railway")
modustr = "modRailwayPayFeeManagement";
else if (optype == "import_main")
modustr = "modImportTrade";
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.Append("SELECT ");
strSql.Append(" from VW_User_Authority ");
strSql.Append(" where [NAME]='" + modustr + "' and USERID='" + userid + "' and ISDELETE=0");
string visiblerange = "4";
string operaterange = "4";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
visiblerange = Convert.ToString(reader["VISIBLERANGE"]);
operaterange = Convert.ToString(reader["OPERATERANGE"]);
if (visiblerange == "4")
str = " ENTEROPERATOR='" + userid + "'";
else if (visiblerange == "3")
str = " ENTEROPERATOR='" + userid + "'";
else if (visiblerange == "2")
var rangeDa = new RangeDA();
var deptname = rangeDa.GetDEPTNAME(userid);
str = " ENTEROPERATOR in (select USERID from user_company where COMPANYID='" + companyid + "') and ENTEROPERATOR in (select userid from user_baseinfo where DEPTNAME='" + deptname + "')";
else if (visiblerange == "1")
str = " ENTEROPERATOR in (select USERID from user_company where COMPANYID='" + companyid + "') ";
else if (visiblerange == "0")
str = " 1=1 ";
return str;