You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
573 lines
18 KiB
573 lines
18 KiB
var $table = $('#table');
var $tableFee = $('#tableFee');
var formEdit = $('#formEdit')[0];
var formFee = $('#formFee')[0];
var _GID = getQueryString('id');
var _Action = getQueryString('a');
var layerIndex = parent.layer.getFrameIndex(;
var selFName = document.createElement("select");//费用名称
var selFBiBie = document.createElement("select");//币别
$(selFName).attr('name', 'FBIBIE');
var selFBiaoZhun = document.createElement("select");//费用标准
$(selFBiaoZhun).attr('name', 'FBIAOZHUN');
//#region 基本控件绑定
//#region 下拉框
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SetSelect($('#selPORTDISCHARGE'), 'port');
SetSelect($('#selDESTINATION'), 'port');
SetSelect($('#selYunShuTiaoKuan'), 'ystk');
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$(selFName).append("<option value='箱使费'>箱使费</option>");
$(selFName).append("<option value='海运费'>海运费</option>");
$(selFBiBie).append("<option value='RMB'>RMB</option>");
$(selFBiBie).append("<option value='USD'>USD</option>");
$(selFBiaoZhun).append("<option value='箱'>箱</option>");
$(selFBiaoZhun).append("<option value='票'>票</option>");
$(selFBiaoZhun).append("<option value='天'>天</option>");
$('#selQDFS').append("<option value='电放'>电放</option>");
$('#selQDFS').append("<option value='正本'>正本</option>");
$('#selQDFS').append("<option value='SEAWAY'>SEAWAY</option>");
$('#selTDFS').append("<option value='ONE'>ONE</option>");
$('#selTDFS').append("<option value='TWO'>TWO</option>");
$('#selTDFS').append("<option value='THREE'>THREE</option>");
$('#selTDFS').append("<option value='FOUR'>FOUR</option>");
$('#selTDFS').append("<option value='FIVE'>FIVE</option>");
$('#selTDFS').append("<option value='SIX'>SIX</option>");
$('#selTDFS').append("<option value='SEVEN'>SEVEN</option>");
$('#selTDFS').append("<option value='EIGHT'>EIGHT</option>");
$('#selTDFS').append("<option value='NINE'>NINE</option>");
$('#selTDFS').append("<option value='TEN'>TEN</option>");
$(function () {
$('#btnSaveShou').click(function () {
$('#btnSaveFa').click(function () {
$('#btnSaveTong').click(function () {
var data = [
data: data,
classes: 'table-sm table-hover table-bordered',
columns: [{
title: '序号',
field: 'id',
class: 'exctest'
}, {
title: '箱型',
field: 'name'
}, {
title: '箱号',
field: 'name'
}, {
title: '封号',
field: 'date'
}, {
title: '件数',
field: 'date'
}, {
title: '包装',
field: 'date'
}, {
title: '重量',
field: 'date'
}, {
title: '尺码',
field: 'date'
}, {
title: '皮重',
field: 'date'
}, {
title: '施封人',
field: 'date'
}, {
title: '重空标识',
field: 'date'
}, {
title: '称重方式',
field: 'date'
}, {
title: '称重重量',
field: 'date'
}, {
title: '称重时间',
field: 'date'
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// //select
// c.html("");
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// c.append(nc);
// }
$('#btnSave').click(function () {
var url = '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeaeTD/Save';
var feeArr = GetFeeBodyJsonData();
var dataFee = JSON.stringify(feeArr);
var data = { opstatus: _Action, data: JSON.stringify($('#formEdit').serializeFormJSON()), data2: dataFee };
url: url,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
timeout: 10000,
cache: false,
success: function (t) {
if (t.Success) {
var data = eval(t).data;
SetData(formEdit, data);
_GID = $("input[name='GID']").val();
_Action = 'e';
} else {
$('#btnXj').click(function () {
type: 2,
title: '询价',
maxmin: true,
class: 'layui-layer-haze',
shadeClose: true, //点击遮罩关闭层
area: ['800px', '480px'],
content: '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeaeTD/Xj'
$('#btnClose').click(function () {
$("#selPORTDISCHARGE").on("change", function (e) {
$("#selMBS").on("change", function (e) {
var gid = $(this).val();
GetMBData(gid, 0);
$("#selMBF").on("change", function (e) {
var gid = $(this).val();
GetMBData(gid, 1);
$("#selMBT").on("change", function (e) {
var gid = $(this).val();
GetMBData(gid, 2);
function LoadForm() {
var cond = " and GID='" + _GID + "'";
var url = '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeaeTD/GetData';
var handle = _Action;
var param = { handle: handle, condition: cond };
url: url,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: param,
timeout: 10000,
cache: false,
success: function (t) {
var data = eval(t).data;
SetData(formEdit, data);
function LoadFee2() {
var gid = $("input[name='GID']").val();
var c = " tid = '" + gid + "'";
var url = '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeaeTD/GetFeeList';
var param = { condition: c, currPage: 0, limit: 200, sort: "", tid: gid };
url: url,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: param,
timeout: 10000,
cache: false,
success: function (t) {
data = [];
var tdata = eval(t).data;
data = tdata;
//#region 费用行 表头
var dvFeeHeaderRow = document.createElement("div");
var dvhcol0 = ColForLblWithValue('费用名称');
var dvhcol1 = ColForLblWithValue('费用标准');
//var dvhcol2 = ColForLblWithValue('单价');
var dvhcol3 = ColForLblWithValue('币别');
//var dvhcol4 = ColForLblWithValue('汇率');
//var dvhcol5 = ColForLblWithValue('数量');
var dvhcol6 = ColForLblWithValue('金额');
var dvhcol7 = ColForLblWithValue('备注');
var dvhcol8 = ColForLblWithValue('操作');
$(dvFeeHeaderRow).append(dvhcol0, dvhcol1, dvhcol3, dvhcol6, dvhcol7, dvhcol8);
//#region 遍历明细
var feeBody = data;
var cnt = 0;
$.each(feeBody, function (index, bd) {
var dvFeeBodyRow = document.createElement("div");
// var dvbcol0 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FNAME', bd.FNAME);
var dvbcol0 = ColForSelWithNameAndValue('FNAME', bd.FNAME, 'fname' + cnt);
AppendHiddenWithNameAndValue(dvbcol0, 'GID', bd.GID);
//var dvbcol1 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FBIAOZHUN', bd.FBIAOZHUN);
var dvbcol1 = ColForSelWithNameAndValue('FBIAOZHUN', bd.FBIAOZHUN,'fbiaozhun'+cnt);
//var dvbcol2 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FDANJIA', bd.FDANJIA);
//var dvbcol3 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FBIBIE', bd.FBIBIE);
var dvbcol3 = ColForSelWithNameAndValue('FBIBIE', bd.FBIBIE,'fbibie'+cnt);
//var dvbcol4 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FHUILV', bd.FHUILV);
//var dvbcol5 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FSHULIANG', bd.FSHULIANG);
var dvbcol6 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FJINE', bd.FJINE);
var dvbcol7 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FBEIZHU', bd.FBEIZHU);
var dvbcol8 = ColForButtonWithValueAndAction('删除', function () {
DelFee(bd.GID, dvFeeBodyRow);
$(dvFeeBodyRow).append(dvbcol0, dvbcol1, dvbcol3, dvbcol6, dvbcol7, dvbcol8);
$('.sel2').select2({ width: "100%" });
$("#addFee").bind('click', function (event) {
var dvFeeBodyRow = document.createElement("div");
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var dvbcol0 = ColForSelWithName('FNAME', 'fname' + cnt);
AppendHiddenWithNameAndValue(dvbcol0, 'GID', '*');
//var dvbcol1 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FBIAOZHUN', '箱');
var dvbcol1 = ColForSelWithName('FBIAOZHUN','fbiaozhun'+cnt);
//var dvbcol2 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FDANJIA', '0');
//var dvbcol3 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FBIBIE', 'RMB');
var dvbcol3 = ColForSelWithName('FBIBIE','fbibie'+cnt);
//var dvbcol4 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FHUILV', '1');
//var dvbcol5 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FSHULIANG', '0');
var dvbcol6 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FJINE', '0');
var dvbcol7 = ColForTextWithNameAndValue('FBEIZHU', '');
var dvbcol8 = ColForButtonWithValueAndAction('删除', function () {
DelFee('*', dvFeeBodyRow);
$(dvFeeBodyRow).append(dvbcol0, dvbcol1, dvbcol3, dvbcol6, dvbcol7, dvbcol8);
$('.sel2').select2({ width: "100%"});
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function ColForSelWithName(name,idx) {
var dvCol = document.createElement("div");
var sel;
if (name == 'FNAME') {
sel = $(selFName).clone();
} else if (name=='FBIBIE') {
sel = $(selFBiBie).clone();
} else if (name = 'FBIAOZHUN') {
sel = $(selFBiaoZhun).clone();
sel.attr('id', idx);
sel.attr('name', name);
return dvCol;
function ColForSelWithNameAndValue(name,value, idx) {
var dvCol = document.createElement("div");
var sel;
if (name == 'FNAME') {
sel = $(selFName).clone();
} else if (name == 'FBIBIE') {
sel = $(selFBiBie).clone();
} else if (name = 'FBIAOZHUN') {
sel = $(selFBiaoZhun).clone();
sel.attr('id', idx);
sel.attr('name', name);
return dvCol;
function ColForTextWithNameAndValue(n, v) {
var dvCol = document.createElement("div");
var txt = document.createElement("INPUT");
$(txt).attr('type', 'text');
$(txt).attr('name', n);
$(txt).attr('autocomplete', 'off');
return dvCol;
function AppendHiddenWithNameAndValue(o, n, v) {
var hidden = document.createElement("INPUT");
$(hidden).attr('type', 'hidden');
$(hidden).attr('name', n);
function ColForLblWithValue(v) {
var dvCol = document.createElement("div");
var lbl = document.createElement("p");
$(lbl).attr('autocomplete', 'off');
return dvCol;
function ColForButtonWithValueAndAction(v, a) {
var dvCol = document.createElement("div");
var btn = document.createElement("BUTTON");
$(btn).attr('type', 'BUTTON');
return dvCol;
function GetFeeBodyJsonData() {
var rows = $(formFee).children();
var feeBody = [];
$.each(rows, function (index, row) {
var cls = $(row).attr('class');
if (cls.indexOf('feeRow') >= 0) {
var cols = $(row).children();
var bodyJson = {};
$.each(cols, function (i, col) {
var fields = $(col).children();
$.each(fields, function (n, field) {
var itag = field.tagName;
var itype = $(field).attr('type');
if ((itag == 'INPUT' && (itype == 'text' || itype == 'number' || itype == 'hidden')) || itag == 'TEXTAREA' || itag == 'SELECT') {
var iname = $(field).attr('name');
var ivalue = $(field).val();
bodyJson[iname] = ivalue;
return feeBody;
function DelFee(gid, dv) {
layer.confirm('确定要删除费用?', {
btn: ['确定', '取消'] //按钮
}, function () {
if (gid == '*') {
var url = '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeaeTD/DelFee';
var param = { gid: gid };
url: url,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: param,
timeout: 10000,
cache: false,
success: function (t) {
if (t.Success) {
layer.msg('删除成功!', { icon: 1 });
} else {
layer.msg(t.Message, { icon: 1 });
}, function () {
function showMBSave(type) {
var title = "";
var text = "";
if (type == 0) {
text = $("textarea[name='CONSIGNEEINFO']").val();
} else if (type == 1) {
text = $("textarea[name='SHIPPERINFO']").val();
} else {
text = $("textarea[name='NOTIFYPARTYINFO']").val();
if (type==0) {
title = "收货人";
} else if(type==1) {
title = "发货人";
} else {
title = "通知人";
if (text == '') {
layer.msg(title + "信息不能为空");
var html = "<div class=\"input-group mb-1\">";
html+="<div class=\"input-group-prepend\"><span style=\"font-size:14px\" class=\"input-group-text\">模板名称</span></div>";
html += "<input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" id=\"usr\" name=\"MBNAME\">";
html += "</div>";
html += "<input type =\"button\" class=\"form-control\" id=\"btnSaveSFT\" onclick='saveSFT(" + type + ")' value=\"保存\">";
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title: title+'模板',
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content: html
function saveSFT(type) {
var url = '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeaeTD/SaveSFT';
var name = $("input[name='MBNAME']").val();
var text = "";
if (type==0) {
text = $("textarea[name='CONSIGNEEINFO']").val();
} else if (type==1) {
text= $("textarea[name='SHIPPERINFO']").val();
} else {
text= $("textarea[name='NOTIFYPARTYINFO']").val();
var data = { name: name, text: text, type:type };
url: url,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
timeout: 10000,
cache: false,
success: function (t) {
if (t.Success) {
} else {
function GetMBData(gid,type) {
var url = '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeaeTD/GetSFTWithGID';
var data = { gid: gid};
url: url,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
timeout: 10000,
cache: false,
success: function (t) {
if (t.Success) {
var data = eval(t).data;
if (type==0) {
text = $("textarea[name='CONSIGNEEINFO']").val(data.MBTEXT);
} else if (type==1) {
text = $("textarea[name='SHIPPERINFO']").val(data.MBTEXT);
} else {
text = $("textarea[name='NOTIFYPARTYINFO']").val(data.MBTEXT);
} else {
} |